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Protecting yourself from the flu > Air Force Materiel Command > View article

Protecting yourself from the flu > Air Force Materiel Command > View article


Worried about getting the flu? We are all at risk of catching and spreading the flu.

There are many situations in which you or your family can be exposed to the influenza virus. Public places such as schools, daycares, travel, workplaces, stores, restaurants, airports, and fitness centers are germ-filled environments that promote the spread of influenza.

In the United States, influenza season occurs in the fall and winter. Influenza viruses are circulating year-round, but in most cases, influenza activity peaks between December and February.

Learn how to protect yourself from seasonal influenza.

How does influenza make you sick?

Influenza is a contagious respiratory disease caused by the influenza virus. When someone with the flu coughs or sneezes, they can breathe in droplets containing the influenza virus. Viruses infect cells and make copies of themselves. Infection with the influenza virus causes inflammation in the body, causing symptoms of influenza. Severe inflammation can cause lung damage and other serious problems. The body's immune system responds by sending proteins called antibodies to fight infections. Some people experience severe influenza complications that can lead to hospitalization and death.

What are the symptoms of influenza?

  • heat.
  • Chills and sweating.
  • Muscle and body pain.
  • cough.
  • headache.
  • sore throat.
  • Runny or stuffy nose.
  • Feeling tired or weak.
  • Eye pain.

Not all of these symptoms are present.

What should I do if I get the flu?

Flu symptoms usually come on suddenly and are worse than a cold. Influenza is easily transmitted from person to person, so if you have flu-like symptoms, stay home unless you are seeking medical attention. Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue and wash your hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer. Most people can manage their flu symptoms at home and recover within a few days to less than two weeks, but some people can develop complications such as pneumonia, which can be life-threatening. Influenza can cause serious symptoms, so it's important to be aware of symptoms and seek medical attention if necessary. This is especially important if you have an underlying medical condition.

When should I go to the emergency room or see a doctor right away?

If you have any of the following serious symptoms, go to the ER or see your doctor right away.

  • High fever (above 40 °C).

  • Difficulty breathing.
  • Not urinating or urinating very little.
  • The pain in my chest or stomach (abdomen) doesn't go away.
  • Persistent dizziness.
  • confusion.
  • Severe muscle pain or weakness.
  • Seizure.
  • Bluish skin, lips, and nails (cyanosis, which may be a sign of low oxygen levels in the blood) organization).
  • The fever and cough may get better or go away, but then get worse.
  • Deterioration of other health conditions.

What should I do if someone gets sick?

  • Choose only one caregiver to care for your sick family member.
  • If possible, keep the person with the flu in a separate hospital room. Limit visitors other than caregivers.
  • If the sick person must leave the room, ask them to wear a face mask or cover their cough or sneeze with a tissue.
  • Keep the air clean. Open the windows in your hospital room or use a fan to keep fresh air flowing.
  • Clean the hospital room every day.
  • Wash your laundry with regular laundry soap and dry on a high heat setting. Keep dirty laundry away from your face and body. Wash your hands immediately after touching dirty laundry.
  • It is okay to wash the patient's bedding and clothing with other people's laundry.
  • Wash the sick person's dishes with regular dish soap or place them in the dishwasher.

When can I go back to work/school?

To avoid spreading the flu to others, you should not return to work or school (without taking fever-reducing medication) until at least 24 hours have passed since you developed a fever. Depending on your employer or school, return requirements may vary.

How do I know if I have the flu or COVID-19?

Because the symptoms are similar, the only way to know for sure whether you have the flu or COVID-19 is to get tested. Both carry a risk of serious illness. However, the viruses that cause these infections vary, and healthcare professionals treat them with different drugs.

How can I prevent influenza?

“The best way to prevent influenza is to get the influenza vaccine every year,” said Lt. Col. Dan Anderson, AFMC Command Public Health Officer. “Vaccination cannot completely prevent influenza infection, but it can reduce the severity and duration of illness. This not only speeds recovery, but also minimizes the time you are infectious and protects your friends and loved ones. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention uses many data sources, including Department of Defense surveillance, to determine which viruses are most likely to circulate during the upcoming flu season. We recommend which specific influenza viruses should be included in the annual influenza vaccine.”

If you have any questions, consult your health care provider if you are pregnant or have other underlying health conditions, and get a flu vaccine before the holidays to boost your immunity in time to celebrate with co-workers and family, Anderson said. I advise you to take it. Getting your flu shot early gives your body enough time to develop enough antibodies. It may take up to two weeks to provide protection throughout the flu season.

Where can I get the influenza vaccine?

Influenza vaccination for all military personnel is mandatory and available through each facility medical facility (MTF) or participating TRICARE participating pharmacies. To ensure records are updated, military personnel must provide maintenance unit documentation for vaccinations not administered and recorded by the task force.

TRICARE recipients are also eligible to receive a free flu shot through an on-base immunization clinic or at a TRICARE participating pharmacy. For civilian workers, all federal employee health benefit plans cover the flu shot for free and are available at local retailers.

Flu vaccine locations can be found at

Go to:

– Select “Find a Flu Vaccine” at the top of the page.

– Please enter your 5 digit postal code

– Check “Vaccine Options”

– Select “Find a Flu Vaccine” to find your desired location.

(Click on the location for detailed information and contact information)

In addition to getting the flu shot, there's a lot to do every day. Preventive measures It can reduce your risk of getting the flu and other respiratory infections. These actions include:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. This is how bacteria spreads.

  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. You may be able to prevent people around you from getting sick. Influenza viruses are primarily spread through droplets produced when people with the flu cough, sneeze, or talk.
  • Avoid being around others when you or they have the flu or other infectious disease.
  • Get tested if you get sick! This allows us to rule out or rule out other respiratory viruses such as coronavirus, pneumonia, and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV).
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces at home and work, as well as objects that may be contaminated with the virus that causes influenza.
  • Avoid large crowds. If you can limit your contact with others during influenza season, you can reduce your risk of infection.
  • Strengthens the immune system. A strong immune system helps the body fight infections. Get at least 7 to 9 hours of sleep every night to boost your immunity. Also, maintain a habit of regular physical activity for at least 30 minutes three times a week. Additionally, follow a healthy and nutritious eating plan. Limit sugar, junk food, and fatty foods. Instead, eat a variety of fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and antioxidants to improve your health.

Extensive resources about seasonal influenza are available at: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention




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