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Egypt declared malaria-free by World Health OrganizationExBulletin

Egypt declared malaria-free by World Health OrganizationExBulletin


This 2014 photo released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Anopheles mosquito feeding.

This 2014 photo released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows a female Anopheles mosquito feeding.

James Gathany/AP/CDC



James Gathany/AP/CDC

Egypt has been declared It has been recognized by the World Health Organization to eliminate malaria.

Egypt is the third country in the Eastern Mediterranean region to be recognized as malaria-free by the WHO, following Morocco and the United Arab Emirates. A total of 44 countries and one territory have this designation.

WHO recognizes a country as malaria-free if it can prove “beyond a reasonable doubt” that the spread of malaria caused by Anopheles mosquitoes, also known as marsh mosquitoes, has continued for three consecutive years prior to certification. certify that. Countries must also demonstrate that they are taking effective preventive measures.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said: “Egypt's certification as malaria-free is truly historic and a testament to the determination of the Egyptian people and government to eliminate this ancient scourge.” said. statement. “I congratulate Egypt on this achievement. It is an inspiration to other countries in the region and shows what is possible with the right resources and the right tools.”

Efforts to curb the spread of malaria began in the 1920s, but the disease was first discovered in the country as early as 4000 BC, according to the WHO. At the time, Egypt prohibited growing rice and other crops near homes.

According to the WHO, the first malaria control center was established in Egypt in 1930, when the prevalence of malaria was around 40% and it was considered a “notifiable disease.”

More than 3 million people were infected during World War II, but infections were kept under control through the construction of more treatment centers and the intensive recruitment of medical workers.

The construction of the Aswan Dam caused another surge in infections in 1969. The standing water increased mosquito breeding. Aswan also experienced a spike in infections in 2014, but the number of infections was quickly brought under control, the WHO said.

Malaria testing and diagnosis is free for all Egyptian residents.

“Receiving the malaria elimination certificate today is not the end of a journey, but the beginning of a new phase,” said Egyptian Deputy Prime Minister Khalid Abdel Ghaffar. “We are now working tirelessly to sustain our results by upholding the highest standards of surveillance, diagnosis and treatment, maintaining integrated vector management, and maintaining an effective and rapid response to imported cases.” We must remain diligent and vigilant.”




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