Short bouts of exercise may lower dementia risk
Just one or two days of physical activity a weekend – an exercise pattern called the 'weekend warrior' – may reduce the risk of cognitive decline that precedes dementia as much as more frequent exercise It is concluded that there is. Research published online British Journal of Sports Medicine.
And it may be more convenient and feasible for busy people, the researchers suggest.
They said it was important to identify potentially modifiable risk factors for dementia, and that delaying onset by five years could halve the prevalence, suggesting that almost all previous It added that the evidence comes from studies in high-income countries.
Therefore, they utilized two survey data from a prospective study in Mexico City. The first was conducted from 1998 to 2004 and the second from 2015 to 2019.
Approximately 10,033 people (mean age 51 years) completed both surveys and their responses were included in the analysis.
In the first survey, respondents were asked whether they exercise or play sports, and if so, how many times a week and for how long (in minutes).
Four groups were extracted from the responses. “Weekend warriors” who exercise or play sports once or twice a week. People who regularly engage in activities at least three times a week. and a composite group made up of weekend warriors and regular actives.
During the second study, the Mini Mental State Exam (MMSE) was used to assess cognitive function. A score of 22 or less out of 30 was used to define MCI.
A total of 7,945 respondents said they did not exercise at all. The 726 met the definition of a weekend warrior. 1,362 people said they exercised several times a week. and 2088 formed a combined group.
During an average 16-year monitoring period, 2,400 MCI cases were identified. MCI prevalence was 26% among sedentary individuals. 14% among weekend warriors; 18.5% were active regularly.
After accounting for potentially influencing factors such as age, education, smoking, night's sleep, diet, and alcohol intake, people who exercised on weekends were 25% more likely to develop MCI than those who did not exercise. Those who were regularly active were 11% less likely to develop MCI. . Those who received both were 16% less likely to do so.
When MCI was defined as MMSE score ≤23, 2,856 cases were identified. The prevalence of MCI also increased to 30% in people who did not exercise, 20% in people who exercised on the weekends, and 22% in people who were regularly active.
Compared to the sedentary group, those who exercised on the weekends were 13% less likely to develop MCI, whereas those who were regularly active and those who used a combination of both were 13% less likely to develop MCI. 12% less likely to. The results were similar for men and women.
The researchers estimated that 13% of cases could theoretically be avoided if all middle-aged adults exercised at least once or twice a week.
Because this is an observational study, no clear conclusions can be drawn about causality. And the researchers acknowledge that their findings have a number of limitations. For example, survey respondents may not be truly representative of middle-aged adults, and there were no objective measures of physical activity.
However, they explain that there are several possible explanations for the seemingly protective effects of exercise on brain health.
“For example, exercise can increase the concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factors.” [molecules that support the growth and survival of neurons] and brain plasticity. “Physical activity is also associated with increased brain volume, improved executive function, and improved memory,” they write.
“To our knowledge, this study is the first prospective cohort to show that weekend warrior physical activity patterns and regularly vigorous physical activity patterns are associated with a similar reduction in the risk of mild dementia. “Research,” the researchers continued.
And the researchers go on to say, “The findings have important implications for policy and practice, as the physical activity patterns of weekend warriors may be a more convenient option for busy populations such as those in Latin America.” It suggests that it has.
Reference magazines:
O'Donovan, G. others. (2024). Association between physical activity patterns of “weekend warriors” and mild dementia: Results from a Mexico City prospective study. British Journal of Sports Medicine.
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