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Lung cancer screening can save lives, but uptake rates remain low

Lung cancer screening can save lives, but uptake rates remain low


Research results presented at JAMA network open Many adults in the United States do not have access to primary care professionals, indicating that primary care involvement can be a barrier to lung cancer screening. Lung cancer screening ranks as one of the most effective screenings available, with one life saved for every 320 completed computed tomography scans, making this access challenge a preventable disease. increased risk of death.1

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According to the American Cancer Society (ACS), it is estimated that 234,580 people will be diagnosed with lung cancer in the United States in 2023, representing 11.7% of all new cancer cases. Additionally, the ACS estimates that 125,070 people will die from lung cancer in the United States, representing 20.4% of all cancer deaths.2 The survival rate for people diagnosed with lung cancer is only 5 years, and it occurs in 26.7% of cases.3 However, as of October 2024, the FDA has approved a total of 90 different treatment options for lung cancer.4 Nevertheless, cancer screening remains an effective, lifesaving option for lung cancer patients.1

Lung cancer screening can detect lung cancer in its early stages, which is extremely helpful in improving treatment outcomes. The CDC recommends low-dose computed tomography (LDCT) scans, which are painless, non-invasive, and use a small amount of radiation. The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that individuals between the ages of 50 and 80, those who have smoked 20 packs per year, and those who currently smoke or have quit in the past 15 years be screened for lung cancer annually. We recommend that you receive.5

Lung cancer screening not only has the benefit of early detection, but additionally, approximately 34% of those screened have findings unrelated to lung cancer that require additional monitoring. This includes adrenal nodules and aortic aneurysms.1

The study authors noted that of the 15 million people eligible for lung cancer screening in the United States, less than 10% receive the screening, which is typically performed through primary care. But about one-third of U.S. residents don't have a primary care physician, so patients must get tested on their own through a hospital. In this study, researchers evaluated how effectively hospitals connect patients with lung cancer screening.1

Researchers first sampled 527 hospitals in the United States, then randomly selected 500 more hospitals. According to the study authors, only 51 of the 527 hospitals that initially participated in the study had the resources to connect individuals with lung cancer screening.1

“Most calls were unsuccessful due to lack of direction from a primary care clinician (317 calls) [60.2%]). “Similar results were seen in a random subset of 500 hospitals, regardless of cancer board accreditation status or listing on screening search websites,” study authors said in a news release.1

The findings suggest that primary care clinicians and hospitals need to do more to encourage eligible citizens to get tested for lung cancer.1

“There is no single solution to the mystery of why lung cancer screening is so woefully underutilized. “There are likely millions of people eligible for screening who have a caring physician but are not being screened,” the study authors said in a news release.1

1. Lung cancer screening in U.S. hospitals for people without access to primary care. JAMA network open. October 31, 2024. Accessed October 31, 2024.
2. Key statistics about lung cancer. American Cancer Society. January 29, 2024. Accessed October 31, 2024., men%20, %2059 %2C280%20in%20female).
3. Cancer statistics: lung cancer and bronchial cancer. National Cancer Institute. Accessed October 31, 2024.,26.7%25%202014%E2%80%932020.
4. Lung cancer statistics. longevity. News release. October 7, 2024. Accessed October 31, 2024. October%203%2C%202024,4.
5. Lung cancer screening. CDC. October 15, 2024. Accessed October 31, 2024.,a%20day%20for%2010%20years.




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