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Loren Cox, Patrick Peterson and other diabetic athletes seek balance during a coronavirus pandemic


Loren Cox was waiting for the WNBA to return in June from an outage caused by a coronavirus pandemic. She was ready to play.

But anytime, anywhere.

“I’m not necessarily worried about where I don’t want to go back and play,” Cox said.

Why are you listening Why perhaps there is growing concern? Loren Cox is diabetic.

The 22-year-old, who was the third overall draft in the 2020 WNBA draft by Indiana Fever, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 7. Experts and doctors around the world-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-Individuals with underlying illnesses are at increased risk of serious illness after being infected with the coronavirus.

In addition, the American Diabetes Association guidelines include: “In general, people with diabetes are more likely to experience severe symptoms and complications when infected with the virus. The risk of getting very ill with COVID-19 may be lower in diabetes. It’s expensive. Well managed.”

And a month after Cox said he was ready to play, she announced she would recover from COVID-19 and could go to the IMG Academy’s WNBA bubble to join the team in Florida. I was waiting for it to be cleared.

Cox told ESPN on 5 August that it was “very lucky” to have the mild symptoms caused by COVID-19 and had taken the necessary precautions before getting the virus. There was no change in her approach as she joined the WNBA bubble and her fever teammates-she has already monitored her blood sugar levels and has confirmed that they are neither too high nor too low. .. She made her WNBA debut on Wednesday.

“I mean, from testing my blood sugar more often, learning what are ketones, how to check them, and understanding how different foods affect my blood sugar. It all means more complex things, such as: If you get sick, it’s very important. You will be treated immediately.”

Emily Nosova, an endocrinologist specializing in diabetes at the Mount Sinai Health System, confirms that professional athletes have been successfully managing diabetes for many years and are in a position to continue to manage it during the coronavirus era. Did.

According to Nosova, people with diabetes are at risk of serious illness from coronavirus because of uncontrolled blood sugar levels. But she warns that no large-scale studies have been done to prove the connection.

“This is a big generalization. But if someone is sufficiently skilled, has enough rigor in their structure and schedule, and is themselves to become a professional athlete, it is usually Well managed, “Nosova told ESPN.

Most importantly, keep your blood glucose within your target range. Nosova says that professional athletes are already working hard. Athletes need to be “hypermonitoring”.

Note that type 1 diabetes (about 5% of diagnoses), according to the American Journal of Medicine and Johns Hopkins, is an autoimmune disease caused by the body attacking its pancreas, with little or no insulin production. Is also important. Type 1 diabetes usually develops in childhood or adolescence, but it can also occur in adults. Type 2 diabetes-the pancreas usually produces some insulin-is more commonly diagnosed in people over the age of 45. And the weight is a factor.

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Adam Duval, Left fielder Atlanta BravesHe told the ESPN, from his doctor, that he would stay above blood glucose and “is not at greater risk than anyone else when it comes to focusing on keeping it at a good level.” It is said that.

“It’s more important than ever to stay above those numbers,” said 31. If the level is too high or too low, he may generally have diabetic problems, but he also has COVID problems. “I’m just taking the necessary precautions to relieve stress,” he said.

There are only a handful of other professional athletes dealing with diabetes. Arizona Cardinals Corner back Patrick Peterson.. He said in May that his type 2 diabetes may affect his decision to play- And I recently told ESPN Josh Weinfuss that he will not opt ​​out..

“If it feels safest for us to get back to work, I’m all there,” Peterson said in a phone call with reporters. “If not, obviously I have to do it-not me, we all have to make very smart decisions because we don’t want the opportunity to bring it back.”

Some other athletes with diabetes

Jordan morris, Seattle Sounders Forward: Morris, who has type 1 diabetes, continues to play in the MLS bubble. “It might be a bit scary to see it [coronavirus warning]Morris told ESPN. “I understand that if you have diabetes and you really need to take good care of yourself to avoid future complications, you could think of yourself like a coronavirus. Please take good care and follow the guidelines to avoid getting sick.”

Mark Andrews, Baltimore Ravens, Tight Ends: Last season, he reached the first professional bowl and was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 9,Opt-out has never really exceeded my heart

Brett Martin, Texas Rangers Rescue: Martin Listed injured on July 16 For his positive COVID test before the camp. He has type 1 diabetes. The left-handed person is then active and pitching for the Rangers.

Cole Stewart, Baltimore Orioles pitcher: “My high risk of serious complications of COVID-19 from type 1 diabetes remains a major concern.” He said in a statement to opt out of the season Early this month.

Max Dormi, Montreal Canadians Center: After “a broad conversation with a doctor”, Domi said he decided to play on NHL restart, Despite the risks associated with his type 1 diabetes and celiac disease.

Expert perspective

“[Some] The perspective of people with diabetes has bad news because these athletes are role models in how they excel in sports despite the added burden of having the disease In spite of the fact that they are present, I think it is wonderful to celebrate the participation of these people. I don’t want to be an optimist and change the story, but that’s a good thing,” said Dr. Dr. Drucker, a Canadian endocrinologist.


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