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Diabetes among adults has nearly doubled worldwide, research suggests

Diabetes among adults has nearly doubled worldwide, research suggests


More than 800 million adults worldwide have diabetes, a number nearly double previous estimates, and more than half of people over 30 with diabetes are on treatment, according to a new study. I haven't received it.

Research published in lancet Researchers found that the global prevalence of diabetes has doubled since 1990 (from 7% to 14%), with this increase mainly due to the increase in the number of infections in low- and middle-income countries. The authors suggest that this is due to an increase in

The authors found that treatment rates in these regions have barely increased despite much higher case numbers, while the situation is improving in some high-income countries, leading to widening treatment disparities. He said there was.

By 2022, there will be approximately 828 million people aged 18 and older with type 1 and type 2 diabetes worldwide, the study found. According to the authors, 445 million adults, or 59 percent, over the age of 30 were not receiving treatment.

The World Health Organization previously estimated that approximately 422 million people have diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease related to blood sugar levels that, if untreated, can damage the heart, blood vessels, nerves, and other organs.

WHO Director-General Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said in a statement that the increase recorded in the study was alarming.

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Untreated diabetes is driving an 'epidemic' of amputations among Black Canadians

Doctors say amputation rates are significantly higher among black Americans, due in large part to delays in diagnosis and treatment, as the prevalence of diabetes increases. This has led to a movement among Black Canadians to demand improved testing.

He said: “Countries must take urgent action to control the global diabetes epidemic. “This includes policies that support health systems that support

In parts of sub-Saharan Africa, only 5 to 10 percent of people estimated to have diabetes receive treatment, said Jean-Claude Mbanya, a professor at the University of Yaounde I in Cameroon. Treatment for diabetes involves either insulin or drugs, which can be expensive.

“A huge number [are] “There is a risk of serious health complications,” he said.

The study, conducted by the NCD Risk Factors Collaboration and WHO, is the first analysis in the world to include prevalence and treatment estimates for all countries, the authors said. This is based on more than 1,000 studies involving more than 140 million people.

Diabetes was defined as a person with high fasting plasma glucose and glycated hemoglobin levels (both common diagnostic criteria) or who was taking medication for diabetes. The authors said both tests were used in parts of the world, particularly South Asia, to avoid missing some cases when using only fasting plasma glucose.

Although this study could not distinguish between type 1 and type 2 cases, evidence so far suggests that most diabetes in adults is type 2 and is associated with obesity and poor diet. The authors said that this suggests that




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