Sleep deprivation inhibits the brain's ability to suppress unwanted memories

A new study has shown that sleep deprivation can inhibit the brain's ability to suppress unwanted memories and intrusive thoughts.
Scientists at the University of York, in collaboration with the University of East Anglia, have shown that sleep deprivation impedes the ability of the brain's prefrontal cortex, limiting the recall of memories that would otherwise be suppressed.
Memories of unpleasant experiences often invade our consciousness in response to reminders, but they tend to be temporary and can be pushed out of our minds again. However, we have previously shown that the brain's ability to suppress such intrusive memories is dependent on the acquisition of restful sleep.
Suppression is a very subtle function of the brain that weakens all the connecting traces of memory, so that we are no longer able to connect all the dots to recover the complete picture of the experience caused by external stimuli. ”
Dr Scott Cairney, University of York
To understand how the brain does this, the research team used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scans to examine brain activity in 85 healthy adults. Half of them experienced a healthy night's sleep in the sleep lab, and the other half were awake the whole time. night.
Participants were asked to view faces they had seen paired with images of emotionally negative scenes, such as photos of car crashes or fights. For each face, they were asked to either recall the scene associated with it or suppress the memory of that scene.
When trying to suppress images of a scene, well-rested participants showed greater activation in the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (the area of the brain that controls thoughts, actions, and emotions) compared to participants who had been awake all night. It was expensive.
The rested participants also showed decreased activity in the hippocampus (the area of the brain involved in memory recall) while trying to suppress unwanted memories, which may lead to the emergence of intrusive thoughts. We have demonstrated that it is possible to “shut down” the supporting mental actions.
They also found that people who got more rapid eye movement (REM) sleep were better able to utilize the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex during memory suppression, which helps restore mechanisms in the brain that help prevent unwanted memories. From entering conscious thought, which pointed out the role of REM sleep.
“Sleep-deprived participants were unable to engage areas of the brain that help suppress unwanted memories, thereby quelling memory-related processes in the hippocampus that cause intrusive thoughts,” Dr. Cairney said. ''I couldn't do it,'' he explained.
“This is critical to understanding mental health issues, as it is well documented that people who suffer from anxiety, depression and PTSD also have sleep disorders. We now have a better understanding of the brain mechanisms that can help. ” By limiting negative memories and thoughts, we can potentially engage in more targeted treatments and behavioral treatments that can help improve sleep. As a result, you will be able to support your brain in making successful adaptations and lead a mentally healthy life. ”
“Defects in memory control in sleep-deprived human brains'' is published in a magazine Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
Reference magazines:
Harrington, Missouri others. (2024). Deficits in memory control in the sleep-deprived human brain. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
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