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Mouthwash may be able to kill the coronavirus in the mouth, but it cannot cure you – BGR


  • New research suggests that mouthwash can prevent the spread of new coronaviruses, but it does not save you from infection.
  • Laboratory tests involving mouthwashes that contain active ingredients that may interact with the chemical structure of the virus have shown that the virus can be killed.
  • Reducing the amount of virus in your mouth can also reduce infection. Nevertheless, the individual will continue to be infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus and continue to replicate in upper and lower respiratory tract cells.
  • Researchers studied the effects of mouthwashes on COVID-19 patients to see if they could replicate laboratory tests and to measure the duration of viral load reduction after patients used mouthwash. I will.

In the early days of the novel coronavirus pandemic, I’ve seen messages spreading on social media that you can kill coronavirus with a mouthwash to prevent COVID-19 infections. It’s a myth that you shouldn’t place anything on. But Team of researchers We studied and studied the chemistries of various mouthwash products and concluded that some of them could kill the virus in the oral cavity. That doesn’t mean that infection can be prevented or that mouthwash can cure the patient.

Reducing the amount of virus in the mouth is one thing that can then reduce the spread of the virus for a limited time. But eliminating infection from the whole body is another thing. When the virus infects cells in the nose and lower respiratory tract, it can multiply, and thousands of new copies continue to infect other cells. This is the same as activating the immune system and initiating protection with or without the help of drugs. ..

New mouthwash study comes from Peer Review University Ruhr University Bochum, Germany Infectious disease journal, Via FirstPost..

Not all mouthwashes you find in stores can kill the coronavirus. Cosmetics that help control bad breath will not help against germs. Instead, it is a therapeutic mouthwash that contains active ingredients that can interact with the chemical structure of the virus and destroy it. Mouthwash must contain substances such as chlorhexidine, peroxides, fluorides and essential oils.

German researchers used eight different mouthwash versions from Germany to recreate conditions similar to the nasopharyngeal mucosa. They mixed the virus particles with a substance that mimics saliva and then added a mouthwash. The resulting liquid was mixed for 30 seconds to mimic a gargle.

In the control group, mouthwash was replaced with medium in which the pathogen was grown in the laboratory. The test showed that the virus content of the test mixture decreased after the addition of the mouthwash and after 30 seconds the virus was absent.

The researchers tested three SARS-CoV-2 strains and found that eight candidates worked on them all. In particular, the researchers found that Dequonal, Iso-Betadine, and Listerine “significantly reduced the infectivity of the virus to undetectable levels” for mint.

This study demonstrates that an appropriate type of mouthwash may neutralize the virus in the mouth for some time. But it cannot cure a person who is showing viral load on the nose and mouth. In addition, the effects of mouthwash may be temporary. Larger amounts of virus are produced in cells infected with the virus and the virus may be present again in the oral cavity. Mouthwashes containing the appropriate ingredients can clearly kill the virus and reduce the direct risk of infection, but more research is needed on this issue.

German scientists will do further research to see if the same conclusions are valid after testing mouthwash compounds in COVID-19 patients. Doctors will also find out how long the mouthwash lasts. FirstPost He points out that clinical trials of similar studies have been registered at the University of California San Francisco and Karachi University.

Chris Smith started writing about gadgets as a hobby, and before he knew it, he shared his views on technology-related things with readers around the world. When I’m not talking about gadgets, I try hard, but I’m trying to stay away from gadgets. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


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