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CDC calls on four states and one city to draft coronavirus vaccine distribution plan


These plans are shared with other states, taking into account the racial and ethnic composition of each location, population density and other factors, and Vaccine distribution plan. This week’s discussion with the state provides some of the first details of the federal government’s plans when the information shared by the government is limited and often confusing.

Vaccine competition continues to develop against a devastating pandemic with few signs of decline.

As of Friday, at least 164,000 Americans died after being infected, Data tracked Washington Post. The average death toll over seven days exceeds 1,000 per day, and has continued since July 27. On average, since July 6, more than 50,000 new cases in the United States are diagnosed per day. Over 600,000 coronavirus cases.

The United States has begun planning the largest vaccination campaign ever implemented, requiring extraordinary coordination, planning and communication. US authorities said this week Operation warp speedEfforts of the Trump administration to promote the development of Coronavirus As a measure, we plan to realize tens of millions of vaccine administrations by January.

President Trump has repeatedly said he hopes to have a viable vaccine ready by the end of the year, but public health experts say the timetable is in flux.

A vaccine against a new coronavirus that causes a disease named covid-19 has not yet been approved. But about 200 Experimental vaccine With the goal of ending the pandemic, the two have advanced to the advanced stages of testing in the US for thousands to check their effectiveness and safety.

In planning discussions, one of the hottest topics involves freezer. At least one vaccine candidate is expected to require storage at a very low temperature of minus 70 degrees Celsius (minus 94 degrees Fahrenheit).

The CDC’s top executives told Wednesday state vaccination officials that the country probably wouldn’t be expected to buy a special freezer. But the vaccine Approved by the Food and Drug Administration If such refrigeration is required, the state should set up a site for mass vaccination clinics. The doctor’s office is unlikely to store and manage such shots.

On Friday, the Department of Defense and the Health and Human Services sector announced that McKesson Corporation would become a key distributor of vaccines and related supplies. According to the HHS statement, CDC is implementing an existing contract option of $178 million with McKesson to support vaccine distribution. McKesson also distributed the H1N1 vaccine during its pandemic from 2009 to 2010. According to a statement, the company will ship the vaccine to the location where it will be injected, based on CDC’s guidance.

Mr. Trump has repeatedly stated that the military will provide the vaccine, but the Pentagon “is not really intending to distribute or provide the vaccine itself,” HHS deputy director of policy Paul Mango told reporters. .. Rather, the military deals with manufacturing logistics, such as sourcing raw materials, setting up factories, and training workers.

“With a few exceptions, all vaccine handling is handled by our commercial distribution partners,” Mango said in an email on Thursday.

In the coming months, state and federal officials will Big logistics challenges.. They need to understand how to transport and store large numbers of vaccines. You must also decide who should take the first dose.

First dose is probably given to High priority group First-line healthcare workers and essential workers. The final recommendation on who is considered high priority will be made by an independent advisory board and the Federal Immunization Advisory Board this fall.

The CDC was sent to state authorities in a letter dated August 4, instructing the state to make some assumptions about the plan.

The state must assume that the vaccine will be distributed directly to healthcare providers. Vaccine providers must be enrolled in their jurisdiction’s vaccination program to receive a dose. Limited amount of needles and syringes Face mask Faceshields will be distributed “free of charge from the federal government” to providers, a letter to the country said.

The amount of vaccine allocated to each jurisdiction is based on several factors, including population size, the letter says.

Recommendations about which groups should be vaccinated will probably vary, depending on the characteristics of each vaccine, the availability available, and the epidemiology of the disease.

At a meeting with state vaccination officials and other experts on Wednesday, Nancy Messonier, Those heading the National Center for Vaccination and Respiratory Diseases in the CDC are most likely to find the vaccines available most of the urgency and flexibility for her to complete the plan by October 1. Emphasized the need.

“Even if the draft plan isn’t complete, the state needs a draft plan,” she told the group.

Other US officials say such an October scenario is very unlikely.

“That’s amazing,” said Francis Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, at a HHS briefing on Thursday. The only way it could happen is that one of the ongoing trials could enroll volunteers at an “absolute recording rate” and the vaccine was considered safe and effective by the FDA even before all volunteers signed up. He said.

“This is unlikely to overlap each other,” Collins added, “maybe November and December are my best bets.”

Ah Report from CDC On Friday, we found that 41% of more than 5,400 respondents to a recent web-based survey reported a “harmful increase in mental status associated with covid-19.”

At least 13% of those who responded with symptoms of mental health reported starting or increasing their use of controlled substances, and nearly 11% said they had seriously considered suicide in the last 30 days.

Hispanic respondents had a higher prevalence of anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation than non-Hispanic whites and Asians. In the report, black respondents say that drug use and suicidal ideation have increased over the last 30 days over participating whites and Asians.

The report concludes that responding to pandemics has also seriously affected essential workers and unpaid caregivers, and identified high-risk groups should be prioritized in intervention and prevention efforts. I attached it.

Friday also brought up-to-date notifications that the virus is adept at spreading everywhere people gather, as evidenced by the rocky reopening of schools across the country.

Less than a week after starting classes at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, school officials announced two clusters of coronavirus cases in a dormitory on Friday.

The university said in an alert sent to students and staff that more than five cases in the same building, clusters, were identified in the Ehringhaus Community of freshmen dormitories and in an apartment in Granville Towers.

The school did not reveal the number of infectious diseases that were part of the outbreak. A spokeswoman did not immediately respond to the Washington Post’s request for comment.

Cluster news occurs when other schools call back students and report a surge in cases. According to the school-wide tracker, Notre Dame University has aggregated 29 confirmed cases on Friday — more than double that number two days ago.

One of the main concerns for students, parents and administrators is the spread of the virus, especially in communal spaces and student housing where resident may be in close contact.

Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger announced Friday that the school would “significantly reduce” student housing. This means that virtually every class should be held.

Several European countries also ended the week with increasing numbers of coronavirus cases and new restrictions trying to contain the outbreak without returning to a major closure.

With the number of cases surged, Greece extended Friday’s curfew on bars and restaurants, capping rallying in an area with an increasing number of coronavirus cases of 50 people.

On Friday, Spain banned nightclubs, late-night drinking, and public smoking and drinking. Spain was one of the epicenters of the virus in March and April, and the country entered a strict blockade to flatten its curve. However, since its resumption, cases in tourism-dependent countries have surged again.

Italy on Friday announced that vacationers returning from Spain, Greece, Croatia and Malta must be tested for the virus. Germany then extended travel warnings to Spain, marking the entire country as high-risk except the Canary Islands, demanding all returnees be tested for coronaviruses.

Meanwhile, the ban on all “non-critical” travel across the Canadian-Mexico border will be extended to six months, officials said Friday.

U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf and Deputy Minister of Public Security Bill Blair of Canada announced the extension on Twitter.

“We continue to do what we need to keep our communities safe,” Blair said.

The limit was imposed in mid-March and has been extended monthly since then. The current measures, set to expire next week, will be implemented until September 21st.

Jacqueline Dupree, Latesia Beechum, Merrill Cornfield, Miriam Burger and Amanda Coretta contributed to this report.

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