Coronavirus SA: Positive nurse test after returning from front of Vic
While South Australian nurses returning from Victoria’s frontline support tested positive for coronavirus, SA Health needs to reconsider the open border between South Australia and Queensland. Warn if there is If it doesn’t include the Brisbane cluster..
The latest case of COVID-19-after 5 days without a case-is a middle-aged woman who is asymptomatic and healthy.
The eight nurses who flew with her from Melbourne on Friday, allegedly in close contact, were all negative.
All wore masks during flight and were sent directly to the city’s Medihotel for 14 days of forced quarantine.
Professor Nicola Spurrier, a public health officer at SA Health, said nursing teams working at two elderly care homes where cases of coronavirus, including fatal cases, were widespread. He said he was following protective equipment protocols.
“She helps with the development of elderly care in Victoria, and unfortunately has a positive response, but no symptoms at all, but I’m happy to say,” Professor Spurrier said.
“Even though our most experienced nursing staff, wearing all the necessary personal protective equipment, this is a very contagious virus and shows that it is easy to pick up.”
“We are thinking with this person at the moment. She is fine at the moment. I think it was a shock because she has no symptoms at all.”
Like other people in the quarantine, nurses have a swab on the first day of return, a cotton swab on the 12th day, and symptoms are monitored daily.
Twenty SA nurses work on a team dispatched to support Victoria, all are back, and plans to send more are pending.
Professor Spurrier also said Anyone who has recently traveled to the Brisbane and Ipswich areas should take a test Follow the cluster of cases.
The source is unknown, but it is suspected to be related to three women traveling from Victoria on July 22, Professor Sprie said.
All South Australians who recently visited the Brisbane and Ipswich areas and attended Queensland officially announced listings or more than 40 venues should be screened and not visit elderly or disabled care facilities. Have been requested to.
The SA police are currently emailing everyone traveling from Queensland with up-to-date advice using the details of the pre-approval form required to join the SA.
“The Queensland border is wide open and a significant number of people return every day,” said Professor Spurrier.
“We ask people who were very careful in monitoring their health — take a test if you’ve been to the larger Brisbane or Ipswich areas.”
Professor Spurious said authorities are monitoring the situation in Queensland on a daily basis, and border opening policies may change at any time.
“We may need to revisit the quarantine requirements coming back to our state,” she said.
She said the Victorian border situation was also monitored daily and she would decline the restrictions as soon as it was safe to do so, but she declined to put a time frame on it.
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Minister of Health and Welfare Stephen Wade quickly changes people planning vacations, saying that “the situation you did may not be the situation you came back to” if border restrictions occur. I urged you to be careful what you need to do.
Prime Minister Stephen Marshall recently flew from Brisbane, returned from Queensland, and was later determined negative.
“The Prime Minister has not visited any of the places listed, and like all South Australians, he will continue to follow health advice.”
On the other hand, the authorities say that the issue of test case results sent by SMS to the wrong person looks like an isolated case.
Wade said there was only one case, possibly due to a name or phone number transcription error.
Currently, there are 463 cases of SA, 3 of which are active, 4 have died and 456 have recovered.
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See SA Health Update below
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