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Emu was slaughtered after chicken, influenza outbreak


Thousands of Emu and chickens have been killed after the bird flu outbreak in Victoria.

Victorian veterinarians are euthanizing Emu chicks on a farm in Kelan, three hours north of Melbourne.

The dramatic move came after 200 birds were infected with the bird flu earlier this week and spread to the Emu farm in Kerlan and the poultry farm in Golden Plains Shire.

Bird flu detection on two new farms has resulted in a total of six affected farms since the first farm detection on July 31st.

“The H7N7, H7N6, and H5N2 viruses pose little risk to humans unless they come into direct and close contact with diseased birds, so there is no risk to the public. Properly cooked, including chickens and eggs. Poultry products are safe to eat.

Dr. Graeme Cook, Victoria’s Chief Veterinarian, said Victorian agriculture is taking swift action to control the outbreak.

“The Golden Plains poultry farm was put under quarantine after it was confirmed to be a highly pathogenic H7N7 bird flu. There are approximately 37,000 birds on the site within the existing restricted area.”

Agriculture Victoria regularly monitors the facility as part of its response.

“The Victorian Department of Agriculture will take appropriate action to reduce the population of the site and decontaminate it,” said Cook.

An Emu farm near Kerlan reported diseased birds to Victorian agriculture, and subsequent testing confirmed low pathogenic H7N6 bird flu.

A farm with about 8,000 emu is under quarantine and authorities have agreed to send the rest of the emu’s eggs to another farm, where they are to be kept under surveillance and expected to be born flu-free ..

The Victoria Department of Agriculture said the two different outbreaks were not related.

“Thanks to the real estate owners for notifying us as soon as they notice the sick bird,” said Cook.

“Avian influenza viruses occur naturally in wild birds and may show no symptoms, but they can be difficult to detect because they can cause infections in a population of domestic birds.

“These detections remind us that the bird owners are wary. Obey the restrictions and movements of restricted and controlled areas to monitor bird health and implement the best biosecurity measures in your facility. please.”

Six farms affected by the disease3 birds in Golden Plains Shire, all confirmed to be highly pathogenic H7N7 bird flu, 1 bird in Golden Plains Shire, 1 bird in Barnsdale, 1 Emu farm in Kelan, 3 low pathogenic strains was.

Bird flu It is a highly contagious disease mainly affecting chickens, ducks, geese, turkeys, guinea fowl, quail, pheasants and ostriches.

Wild birds can usually carry the virus subclinically, but the disease can occasionally spread to domesticated birds, leading to serious death.

Victoria’s Department of Agriculture has asked locals around the Golden Plains Shire, Kelan, and Barnsdale to report diseased birds.


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