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Industry Promotes Unhealthy Products “Using Pandemics”: NGO


So-called NCDs (Noncommunicable Diseases) such as diabetes, hypertension and lung disease are the largest killers in the world.

So-called NCDs (Noncommunicable Diseases) such as diabetes, hypertension and lung disease are the largest killers in the world, killing 40 million people each year

Food and beverage manufacturers use the coronavirus pandemic to market unhealthy products such as alcohol, sugar-containing soft drinks and fatty fast foods to consumers.

Crowdsourcing research conducted by the Non-Communicable Disease Alliance has raised concerns that food giants are contributing to an increase in chronic conditions such as diabetes and heart disease.

Hundreds of cases reported from more than 90 countries include beer companies that have adopted the logo to improve their health, hamburger companies that geo-track customers with free food promises, and struggling communities. Contains a giant of soft drinks to donate cans.

The report’s author, co-edited with the University of Edinburgh, accused food and beverage giants of deliberately exacerbating the effects of Covid-19 on its high-risk components. And a smoker.

Lucy Westerman, police and campaign manager for the NCD Alliance, said the survey has created two distinct trends.

“People living with NCDs are suffering from worse outcomes from Covid-19, and that many producers of unhealthy goods have rapidly adapted their strategies to take advantage of pandemics and blockades.” Increasing epidemiological evidence,” she said.

So-called NCDs such as diabetes, high blood pressure and lung disease are the world’s largest murderers, killing 40 million people each year. Over 2 billion people are overweight or obese, increasing the risk of many health complications.

Most of the more than 750 cases submitted by contributors to what the NCD Alliance called “corporate capture” by food and beverage companies were reported in the United Kingdom and the United States.

However, it is said that the promotion of corporate lobbying has had an impact. Alcohol, cigarettes, Even during a nearly complete blockade.

In Bangladesh, for example, the Ministry of Industry has declared tobacco an essential commodity. Similarly, the Kenyan government Beverages on the official list of essential items.

Countries such as South Africa and Thailand initially banned the sale of alcohol during lockdowns, but researchers report that the two governments endured industry pressures and lifted regulations much sooner than planned. did.

Katie Dain, CEO of the NCD Alliance, called for tighter regulations on how businesses sell unhealthy products.

“Companies are deploying these tactics…to integrate with policy-makers, hiding most ironic attempts to weaken current rules and prevent future policies,” she said. ..

Obesity Strategy: Individual Responsibility Policy Does Not Work

© 2020 AFP

Quote: Utilizing the industry’s “pandemic” to sell unhealthy products: NGO (September 10, 2020), September 10, 2020, Obtained from pandemic-peddle-unhealthy.html

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