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The spread of new coronavirus mutations in Houston is more infectious, studies reveal


Key Point

  • Mutations to the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause COVID-19 have been shown to cause spikes in confirmed cases in Houston.
  • It made the coronavirus more infectious, especially among low-income communities
  • Mutations, however, did not increase the virulence of the virus

According to a newly published study from the Houston Methodist Hospital, COVID-19 cases in Houston and Harris County peaked in June and July, with new, more infectious variants of the coronavirus that cause infection. Seems to have been caused by. This strain is still prevalent today.

SARS-CoV-2 (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2), the virus that causes COVID-19, is constantly mutating because it is adapted to protect itself from the human immune system. The Houston Methodist study investigated 5,085 genomes from viruses recovered during a pandemic infection wave in Houston, including a large second wave that began in late May.

Preprint of the survey released on Wednesday MedRxiv The website found that 99% of strains of the second wave of infection had a mutation identified as “D614G”. The more “spikes” at the top of this mutation, the better the attachment and infection to human cells. D614G is a variant of the spike protein Gly614 amino acid substitution.

“Almost all strains in the second wave have a Gly614 amino acid substitution in the spike protein, which is a polymorphism associated with infection and increased infectivity,” the study said. “Patients infected with the Gly614 mutant had significantly higher viral load in the nasopharynx at the first diagnosis.”

Fortunately, researchers found little evidence that the new mutation was lethal to SARS-CoV-2. The study also confirmed previous findings showing that the severity of COVID-19 is more strongly associated with the patient’s underlying medical condition and genetics than with increased viral load.

Studies show that “there is little evidence that there is a significant relationship between viral genotype and pathogenicity changes, highlighting the link between disease severity, underlying pathology, and host genetics. ing”

People who became ill during the second wave of infection were young and had few comorbidities. They also came from a low-income community.

“The complete sequence of factors responsible for the large second wave in Houston is unknown, but the potential for increased transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Gly614 and associated behavioral changes. It may have played a role in Memorial Day and the July 4th holiday, and in some relief of the social constraints imposed during the first wave, “the study said.

This study is the first analysis of the molecular structure of SARS-CoV-2 in two infectious waves in major metropolitan areas, in this case Houston. Researchers said their findings would help others understand the origin, composition, and trajectory of future infectious waves.

Images taken with a scanning electron microscope are also called SARS-CoV-2 (yellow) â ???? 2019-nCoV, a virus that causes COVID-19. Images taken with a scanning electron microscope are also called SARS-CoV-2 (yellow) â ???? 2019-nCoV, a virus that causes COVID-19. Photo: National Institute of Health / Handouts


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