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Apple Vision Pro is perfect for movies because of one key technology

Apple Vision Pro is perfect for movies because of one key technology


In a kind of irony, I finally got a chance to try the Vision Pro when headlines broke last week that Apple was drastically reducing shipments of the Vision Pro in light of weak sales. This is a great piece of kit and it's a shame that the price means it's not a realistic purchase for the majority of people. So far, not news. However, if you're a serious movie fan and have been ignoring this movie, you might want to think again (though I think it's worth considering picking it up).

Unlike the first time I used an iPhone, it took me a while to figure out how to use it (and of course I didn't read the instructions first). The lack of a controller is in the same spirit as not using a stylus on a smartphone, but it took me a while to realize that I had to look directly at something to make a selection.

I've tried a variety of things with the device, from amazingly immersive dinosaur-based adventures to aptly titled immersive videos, but the Vision Pro was sent to me to test the movie-watching experience. This is due to technology currently unique to Vision. We'll talk about Pro in a moment.

Believe the hype. Admission ticket prices may be steep, but movies with Apple Vision Pro… [+] wonderful.


That aside, watching a movie using the Apple TV app's Cinema mode was great. It's like sitting in the best seats at your favorite premium theater with no one around to spoil your viewing pleasure. Of course, that's also the biggest downside to Vision Pros being that you're alone. It's like hiring the best movie theater you can, just to sit there alone at night. It may be a little pessimistic, but it's a great experience.

What makes the Vision Pro for movies so different is that it's technically on a different level than other headsets. The image is very bright and clear. The key difference is that each eye gets 4K resolution, offering wide color gamut (WCG), high dynamic range (HDR), high frame rate (HFR), and 3D. And what's surprising for stereoscopic fans is that it streams 3D and 4K at the same time. Much better than Blu-Ray 3D, which was stuck at 1080p. Yes, that means in 3D, Vision Pro makes streaming a better option than physical discs. However, there is a caveat: he is one at a time. Think of Vision Pro as your own private Dolby Cinema.

There's also one special technology that puts Vision Pro at the forefront of private entertainment: TrueCut Motion.

What is True Cut Motion?

For the majority of you who are wondering what it is, let me refresh it. TrueCut Motion is Pixelworks' motion grading technology that allows filmmakers to adjust the shutter speed and judder level of their films. This is most noticeable in presentations with clear images projected onto very large screens with high brightness, i.e. premium format screens with 4K or laser projectors.

Some directors, most notably James Cameron, Ang Lee, and Peter Jackson, have used high frame rates to compensate for the motion problems inherent in 3D, where 24 frames per second can be too dim and blurry. I did. Doubling this to 48 frames per second (or more) allows more information to reach your eyes, making it easier for your brain to distinguish between actions. However, the problem with high frame rates is that they create artifacts in the image. Similar to the motion interpolation used in television to eliminate the judder problem, there is a problem called the soap opera effect that results in everything looking artificial and cheap.

However, with TrueCut Motion, filmmakers can adjust the exact amount of motion smoothing on a frame-by-frame basis, giving them all the benefits of high frame rates without any of the drawbacks. James Cameron used this to great effect in Avatar: Waterways for his personal scenes that mimicked the look of his 24fps (in a 48fps container), as well as some scenes using TrueCut Motion. However, due to limited time, we only used this technique in certain scenes, and when a TrueCut Motion scene switches to pure his 48fps or vice versa, many people find the joining part I was able to see it.

However, Pixelworks was able to motion grade the entire remaster of the first Avatar movie. I was very impressed with this when I saw it released in IMAX before the sequel was released in theaters.

The TrueCut Motion logo (bottom right) appears for the first time on your Disney+ avatar. [+] Displayed in Apple Vision Pro.

disney plus

However, until recently, there were no home entertainment devices that could play TrueCut motion content. With the introduction of Apple Vision Pro, Disney+ will offer movies exclusive to Vision Pro, thanks to a deal with the House of Mouse. At the moment, the only TrueCut Motion movies available on the platform are Avatar and Avatar: The Way of Water. The former is currently the only movie in the world that will have the TrueCut Motion logo next to it when viewed on Disney+ on Vision Pro. Only films that use this technology to the end can display the official logo. .

TrueCut Motion technology is still in its infancy, with remastered versions of Titanic, Argyle, Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire, and Kung Fu Panda 4 among other films made using it. At the time of writing, none of these are included in Vision Pro. Disney+ version. Kung Fu Panda 4 could only be seen in that version in theaters that supported his Cinity, a rival system to Dolby Cinema with laser projector-based high-brightness HDR, WCG and HFR.

While testing the Vision Pro, I was advised to be aware of the judder that occurs in regular movies. And I have to say, once you look for it, you can find flash and judder everywhere, Pixel Works! Whether it's the camera pans in the 3D version of No Time to Die (yes, it was converted to stereoscopic) or the opening animals and backgrounds in the recent remake of The Lion King (2019). It can be seen as

Of course, it's not just about 3D. You can see it in the fast dance moves at the beginning of “La La Land” or in the swirling cameras as DiCaprio's character arrives in town in Scorsese's “Killers of the Flower Moon.” can.

Returning to Vision Pro's first avatar at this point, the benefits of TrueCut Motion are evident in its beautifully smooth, high frame rate images, ensuring that no matter how much is going on in the frame, everything is crisp and clear. Can be identified by depth.

TrueCut Motion is well suited for 3D animation, but I'm interested in seeing what less technology-focused directors can do with the technology. Aaron Drew, senior director of ecosystem at Pixelworks, said TrueCut Motion is not there to advance the technology agenda for its own sake, but rather to help filmmakers realize their artistic intent on screen He emphasized that the aim is to help people provide better services.

What’s next for TrueCut Motion?

It's no surprise that Pixelworks wants to get more filmmakers interested in its technology, and has publicly stated that it is looking to expand where TrueCut Motion images can be viewed. I imagine licensing with TV brands is a top priority for the company and they hope that happens. A logo that consumers understand and look for in the same way as his HDR and Dolby Vision. I'm especially looking forward to seeing it in home theater projectors.

Until then, Apple Vision Pro is the only home TrueCut Motion game in town, but if you have the means to get it from a not-so-discerning and wealthy early adopter, perhaps through an eBay sale, even if Billy It means being a No Mates movie watcher.




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