Europe strengthens measures against sudden COVID-19 spikes
With the dramatic increase in viruses in Europe, fear is rising as fast as the second COVID-19 wave, forcing many countries to consider returning to a tightly restricted blockade. I will. France, the United Kingdom and Spain have recorded record increases in coronavirus cases each day, while Belgium, one of Europe’s most devastated countries, has passed the milestone of 10,000 deaths.
The Spanish central government has imposed new restrictions and blocked Madrid despite opposition from local governments. Health Minister Salvador Ira issued an order in the official bulletin Thursday. With a population of 735 per 100,000 people, the capital is one of the highest regions in Europe, twice the national proportion of Spain.
Going forward, at least 10% of coronavirus test results will be positive, and more than 35% of hospital intensive care units will be occupied by COVID-19 patients, with more than 500 new infections per 100,000 inhabitants within two weeks. Placed under a metropolitan lockdown. Measures, including stricter social distance and travel restrictions, are currently being applied to Madrid and nine other cities in the metropolitan area, according to the official bulletin. However, Madrid’s regional leader Enrique Luis Escudero has announced that he will not carry out the order because it is illegal, El PaĆs reported daily.
Due to the high number of coronavirus infections in Germany, the government classified individual regions of 11 European countries as high-risk regions on Wednesday, including Belgium, Iceland, Wales and Northern Ireland. We also lifted comprehensive travel warnings in a total of 160 countries outside the European Union during the coronavirus pandemic. Now each country in the world is evaluated individually.
In addition to Wales and Northern Ireland, the German disease control agency Robert Koch Institute (RKI) was the first pandemic to include the United Kingdom in its health warnings. The French regions Pays de la Loire and Burgundy have also been named. For the first time, the Baltic states of Lithuania and Estonia have been named, with the addition of Ireland, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary and Romania.
Virus out of control in the UK
In the UK, health experts warned that the coronavirus would go out of control as the number of cases and hospitalizations increased, despite numerous new restrictions on social gatherings. “The situation is definitely heading in the wrong direction,” said Patrick Valence, UK’s chief scientific adviser, at a government press conference, reporting an additional 7,108 cases and 71 deaths.
The UK has reported about 450,000 coronavirus infections since March. The official death toll associated with COVID-19 exceeds 42,000, the highest total in Europe. The latest UK weekly data showed a 61% increase in positive COVID-19 cases, more than four times the number of infections at the end of August, a health services test and follow-up plan said Thursday.
In the Netherlands, the number of deaths from peak coronavirus outbreaks is significantly higher than official figures released by the National Institute of Public Health, according to the Dutch Government’s Statistics Bureau. The Central Census Bureau reported on Thursday that more than 10,000 people died of COVID-19 from March to June of this year as the first wave of a pandemic struck the country. The official total for the entire outbreak is about 6,400, but the Institute of Public Health has always admitted that many died untested, including only those who died after a positive coronavirus test. I am.
Worst month in india
The number of cases worldwide exceeds 32 million, the death toll exceeds 1 million, the global economy is devastated, and major cultural and sporting events are disrupted. The World Health Organization (WHO) warned last week that it is unimaginable that another million people would die if the state and individuals did not meet to face the crisis. The United States has the highest death toll with 206,005, followed by Brazil with 142,921, India with 97,497 and Mexico with 77,163.
India made September the worst month of the pandemic, reporting 86,821 new coronavirus cases and an additional 1,181 deaths on Thursday. According to the latest information from the Ministry of Health over the last 24 hours, India has infected more than 6.3 million people and killed 98,678 people with COVID-19. India added 41% of confirmed cases and 34% of deaths in September alone.
India is expected to become the worst victim of the pandemic within a few weeks, surpassing the United States, which has more than 7.2 million infected people. The government has announced that the restrictions will be further relaxed from October 15th. Cinemas, theaters and multiplexes can be opened with up to 50% seating, and the pool can also be used by athletes for training.
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