Laundry lint can cause serious tissue damage to marine mussels
According to new research, the fine fibers created during the washing cycle can damage the gills, liver and DNA of marine species.
Scientists at the University of Plymouth have exposed the mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis), Found in different amounts of rotary dryer lint in different parts of the world.
They showed that increasing the amount of lint caused serious abnormalities in the gills of mussels, leading to tissue damage, especially malformations, widespread swelling, and loss of cilia. In the liver, the presence of lint caused atrophy or malformations, resulting in loss of gastrointestinal clarity.
Higher fiber concentrations reduce the ability of mussels to filter food particles from seawater and significantly increase DNA strand breaks in blood cells.
Scientists say the exact cause of the effect is not entirely clear, but it is likely to result from the fiber itself and the chemicals present in it.
They say the findings are unlikely to apply solely to lint, as their properties are consistent with other fibers and fibers commonly found in wastewater and the entire marine environment.
Studies published in the journal ChemosphereWas conducted by scholars from the Faculty of Bio-Environmental Sciences and the Faculty of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences.
Dr. Andrew Turner, an associate professor of environmental science, is the lead author of this study and has previously focused on chemicals such as bromine, iron, and zinc in lint.
He states: “Washing clothes and other fibers is one of the most important sources of synthetic microfibers in the environment. However, despite their known presence in various species, their effects Few studies have scrutinized it. This study is the first to show what harm they can do, and it’s not just the fibers themselves that cause the problem, but the more harmful they can mobilize. It’s especially interesting to think of it as a chemical cocktail. “
Co-author Awadhesh Jha, a professor of genetic toxicology and ecotoxicology, added: “Mussel species are commonly used to monitor water quality in coastal areas, and the damage presented in this study is a source of serious concern. Genetic similarities with other species and the world. Given the fact that they are found in, it can be inferred that these effects are also reproduced in other mussels and marine species. DNA damage and impaired filtered feeding capacity affect the health of organisms and ecosystems May be given. This is especially important in the future to increase reliance on farming as a global food source. “
This study is the latest university study in this area and was awarded the Queen’s Memorial Award for Higher Education and Continuing Education in 2020 for its groundbreaking research and the impact of its policy on marine microplastic pollution. did.
The study includes studies showing that washing clothes releases thousands of microplastic particles into the environment, and washing machine-mounted devices can reduce the fibers produced in the washing cycle by up to 80%. .. University scientists have also shown that wearing clothes can release more microfiber into the environment than washing.
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