Fatal Prediction: The virus could kill 2,900 Americans a day in December, researchers say
(CNN)The last time Americans faced these fall and winter, World War I was just over.
Fast-forwarding in 102, the United States is also on track for the devastating fall and winter. By the end of December Covid-19 can kill more than 2,900 people a day in the United StatesAccording to a Monday forecast from the Institute for Health Metrics, University of Washington.
But you don’t have to. With a clever approach to these cold seasons, researchers say you can go against their harsh predictions.
Health experts say cold climate, flu season, reopened school, and pandemic fatigue are still difficult month recipes in the fight against the coronavirus. The reason is as follows.
Cold weather: The more people gather indoors, the less chance the virus particles will spread and the greater the risk of spreading the coronavirus.
“Aerosols mean that the droplets don’t fall off immediately. They hang out for a period of time,” Fauci said.
This becomes “very important” if you are indoors and have poor ventilation.
Influenza Coronavirus Double Warmy: Flu season Usually starts in October.. And this year’s collision with the coronavirus pandemic could have a significant impact on the healthcare system and your own body.
“It’s certainly possible to get both the flu and Covid-19 at the same time, which can have devastating effects on the immune system,” said Dr. Adrian Burrows, a Florida family doctor.
In fact, having one of the two viruses can actually make you Easy to infect other peopleSaid Dr. Cima Yasmine, an epidemiologist who is the director of the Stanford Health Communication Initiative.
“The defense is reduced, and on top of that, a second infection is more likely to occur,” says Yasmin.
Outbreaks on school and university campuses: Many schools that have returned their students to the classroom are suffering from outbreaks that may continue to grow in the coming months.
And when students and teachers become infected, they can unknowingly spread the virus to the community.
Mayor Kelly Giltz said Athens-Clarke County, home of the University of Georgia, was able to keep Covid-19 numbers relatively low during the summer, but a “dramatic surge” in community incidents. He said he was hit by.
“Obviously, it’s the return of many students who haven’t been here during the summer to campus,” the mayor said.
Some universities have already canceled their spring break due to Covid-19 concerns. They include Syracuse University, Georgia Institute of Technology, and Ohio.
There are two main reasons for the expected surge, said Dr. Christopher Murray, director of IHME.
“First, the declining number of cases in some states tends to reduce people’s attention and increase contact,” he said. “But the most important effect is the seasonality of the virus. When people go indoors, more infections occur.
“Therefore, our model shows a huge surge that is expected to take off in October and accelerate in November in December.”
How do you prevent this fall / winter surge?
Just because the pandemic is still going on doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy autumn and winter.
If possible, go outside. Dr. David Aronov, director of the infectious disease department at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, said everyone should limit interactions in indoor venues.
If you have a rally, invest in a way to store it outdoors. You probably use a fire pit, a warm coat, or a heat lamp. Dr. Linawen, a doctor and visiting professor in the emergency room at the Milken Institute School at George Washington University, said. public health.
Experts say it can also help save tens of thousands of lives. If 95% of Americans wear masks consistently in public Saved the lives of 100,000 Americans By January 1st, according to IHME.
If you visit friends or family, be wise. “We now know that much of the Covid-19 epidemic is actually caused by an informal gathering of family and friends, rather than a formal setting with strangers,” Wen said. Told. “Some individuals may be disappointed with their loved ones and their vigilance.”
If you need to travel on vacation, eliminate dangerous behaviors such as eating at an indoor restaurant or getting in close contact with non-residents before you travel.
“Sometimes there are false negatives, which means you’re sick, but the test doesn’t detect it,” he said. Pen medicine..
“Even if you have a coronavirus, you can get negative results, so be careful even if you get negative results.”
Also, even if the negative test result is correct, it is possible that the person has been infected since the test was performed.
Instead of a Halloween party or trick or treat, the CDC proposes to carve pumpkins at a safe distance with family, friends and neighbors.
According to the CDC, you can also host virtual costume contests and Halloween scavenger hunts. “Children can walk outdoors from house to house, looking at Halloween decorations, and find a list of Halloween-themed things.”
According to the CDC, Thanksgiving can be celebrated by enjoying a virtual dinner with friends and family from a distance or sharing your favorite Thanksgiving recipes.
It also helps Covid-19’s high-risk loved ones and those who feel isolated by “serving traditional Thanksgiving dishes in a way that doesn’t involve contact with others.” I can.
Scotty Andrew and Shelby Lynne Aardman of CNN contributed to this report.
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