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A global study of inpatients confirms that the coronavirus is not like the flu


A new study released on Tuesday Observational Health Data Science and Informatics (OHDSI) community compared the characteristics of patients suffering from novels Coronavirus Characteristics of hospitalized influenza patients.

Was announced in Nature CommunicationsThe study included 34,128 coronavirus patients on three continents. Over 8,000 people America, 7341 from South Korea, 18,425 from South Korea Spain..

In the United States, men were often hospitalized for severe cases of coronavirus, between the ages of 60 and 75. In Korea, they were often women. In all three countries, patients hospitalized for influenza were usually older and more likely to be women than those suffering from severe cases of coronavirus.

Comorbidities (the underlying medical condition) were common among individuals hospitalized with the coronavirus. For example, the prevalence of hypertensive disorders ranged from 24-70% across the three countries. Still, patients hospitalized with the coronavirus were “generally seen as healthy” than those with the flu.

According to one of the lead authors, Edward Burn, the study “provided a better understanding of patient profiles” in severe cases of coronavirus.

“Despite recent debates that COVID-19 patients are in poor health and have a limited life expectancy, we find that COVID-19 patients are not in poorer health than those who are usually hospitalized for influenza. This further underscores the high mortality rate of COVID-19 patients. “

Co-author Seng Chan You added that the study, conducted without compromising patient privacy, could have significant implications for future studies and help mitigate the effects of similar viruses. I did.

“It’s important to know that this is possible because we don’t know what’s coming next. When is the next pandemic? No matter what happens, we provide important patient characteristics and collaborate. I know that it can enable global research in Japan, “you said.

Intensive care unit at Royal Papworth Hospital in Cambridge, England.

Neil Hall-Pool


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Per Johns Hopkins Medicine, There are some similarities between coronavirus and common influenza. Both illnesses are caused by the virus, which can cause fever, body aches, coughs, and pneumonia. They spread in a similar manner, primarily through the respiratory droplets.

Coronavirus is far more dangerous and deadly than influenza. It can cause serious and long-term damage to the lungs, brain, kidneys and other important organs. Vaccines have not yet been developed, so several different treatments are being tested in hospitals around the world.

Contradictory to scientific data, some prominent public figures have downplayed the ongoing pandemic.In particular, the President of the United States Donald Trump It has repeatedly suggested that the coronavirus is not as dangerous as most people believe.

In a tweet earlier this week, he opposed blockades and similar measures, suggesting that there was little difference between the two illnesses.


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