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Essex Coronavirus: 32 University of Essex students fined by police for violating the “Six Rules” Act


Essex police have fined 32 students at the University of Essex in Colchester, Essex for violating coronavirus rules.

Students will be fined £ 200 each if they come together in groups of more than 6 people. Coronavirus “6 rules”.

In two cases, police were called in to hold a party and punished all attendees.

The “Rule 6” prohibits groups of more than 6 people from meeting socially.

This includes not only indoor gatherings, but also outdoor gatherings.

A £ 200 fixed penalty notice can be distributed by the police, but will be reduced to £ 100 if paid within 28 days.

However, those who host illegal rallies can be fined up to £ 10,000.

Partnership between Essex police The University of Essex, which also has campuses in Southend-on-Sea and Loughton, fined a total of 32 students in just one week.

Sixteen of these students attended a house party at a university accommodation.

Seven students were found by police gathered in the parking lot.

Nine more students were fined after police found them in the outdoor courtyard.

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Chief Inspector Rob Huddleston-District Commander Colchester -States as follows. “We worked closely with the University of Essex to help explain the current limits to six students.

“Our approach is always to first explain and engage people with the current Covid-19 regulation, because we want to give people the opportunity to do the right thing and stop the spread of the virus with the benefit of doubt. ..

“But, as we always say, if people repeatedly ignore the rules, we take enforcement action.

“Unfortunately, this was a weekend event, with groups gathering during the patrol and house parties in two cases.

“We don’t want to spoil someone’s enjoyment, but we all have a legal and ethical responsibility to stop the spread of the virus and protect each other, our community, and the NHS.

“If people don’t listen to us and ignore the rules over and over again, they can expect us to deal with them by taking enforcement measures.

“Ultimately, we all want to do the same to stop the epidemic of the coronavirus, see police officers do their best, protect victims and vulnerable people, and catch criminals. Please help me do that according to the rules. “

Vanessa Potter, director of foreign affairs at the University of Essex, added: “The university is committed to the health and well-being of students and the wider community.

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“During this difficult time, we have made it clear that all students must comply with the Covid rules, and almost all students take this seriously and are truly proud to do so. I am thinking.

“We knew some people who weren’t, so we asked the police to help manage these cases.

“This is not to stop people from having fun. It is to protect the wider student population, our staff, and the community.

“We continue to work with our students and Essex police This is to ensure the safety of everyone. “

Since the pandemic began, 966 people have tested positive for the coronavirus in Colchester alone.

A total of 57,347 people have died.


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