Herd immunity without vaccine means half of America gets sick
- Dozens of health professionals say that relying on herd immunity to control the spread of COVID-19 is a dangerous idea that can lead to widespread death and an overwhelming medical system. ..
- That would mean that more than half of the country will get sick with COVID-19.
- In addition, reinfection with a new coronavirus has been reported. This means that herd immunity is likely to be impossible without the vaccine.
It is a “dangerous fallacy” to allow the COVID-19 pandemic to cross the population and generate herd immunity.
It’s called the Jon Snow Memorandum of Understanding, probably 19th century doctor.. Snow pioneered the science of epidemiology in 1854 when he traced the cause of the London cholera epidemic to a single water pump.
Dozens of health professionals have signed their names with a strong counter-argument to the idea that infecting low-risk people with COVID-19 will eventually stop its spread. This idea was promoted by the Trump administration.
In the United States, SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, has infected about 8 million people and killed more than 215,000 people. Johns Hopkins University..
“Herd immunity occurs when a significant part of the community develops immunity to the disease, either as a result of vaccination or natural infection.” Dr. Robert GlatterAn emergency doctor at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York told Healthline.
He explained that this could reduce the spread of the disease from person to person. “It protects the entire community, not just the immune system,” he said.
Today, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, called for the idea of ​​continuing the infection to make herd immunity “nonsense.”
“If you let the infection split and’let everyone get infected, then you’ll be able to get infected, and you’ll get herd immunity.’ [q]Frankly, it’s nonsense. Anyone who knows anything about epidemiology will say it is nonsense and very dangerous. Fauci I told Yahoo News.
Nearly 100 health professionals from universities around the world have signed letters claiming to oppose the herd immunity approach to COVID-19 and support more restrictive measures.
“The blockade has been destructive, has a substantial impact on mental and physical health and has had a negative impact on the economy, but the time during and after the blockade can be used to establish an effective pandemic control system. In countries that did not, these effects were often exacerbated, “the letter said. ..
According to Glatters, achieving herd immunity through natural infections (rather than vaccines) “creates a large pool of infections among low-risk people while sacrificing the most vulnerable members.” May be devastated.
In addition to this, he points out that it is not yet clear whether a person will be immune to future infections by being infected with SARS-CoV-2. “”[W]Based on the sequencing of the viral genome, there are already at least five recorded cases of reinfection after the initial recovery from the virus, “Glatter said.
John Snow Memorandum states that restrictions are likely to be needed in the short term. The blockade will reduce the spread of the disease and “fix ineffective pandemic response systems to prevent future blockades.”
Sweden is often referred to as an example of a successful implementation of herd immunity to control the virus, but the data state that it is not.
“Sweden’s per capita mortality rate is actually very high and the number of cases is increasing now,” he said. Dr. David HirschwerkInfectious disease, the attending physician of Northwell Health, Manhasset, NY.
Jon Snow Memorandum of Understanding Great Barrington Declaration, Published on October 4th.
A declaration written by a group led by three epidemiologists states that spreading the new coronavirus to less vulnerable groups and protecting high-risk groups is the best way to deal with a pandemic.
“The increased immunity of the population reduces the risk of infection for all, including vulnerable people. We say that all populations will eventually reach herd immunity, a new infection rate. We know that we will reach a point of stability, and that this can be supported by vaccines (but not dependent). Therefore, our goal is to minimize mortality and social harm until we reach herd immunity. It’s about limiting it, “states the declaration.
They call this idea “focused protection”.
“This is definitely a dangerous approach,” Hirschwerk insisted.
He said about 10 percent of the US population has been infected with the virus so far. However, to obtain herd immunity, “an additional 180 to 200 million people are required to become infected.”
“Young healthy people may not get that sick, but many of them will infect vulnerable people who obviously get sick and die,” Hilswerk added.
He warned that many young and otherwise healthy people also have “serious illness and death” and that our health care system will soon be overwhelmed.
“It’s a nightmare-building approach,” he emphasized.
According to John Snow Memorandum, controlling the spread of the COVID-19 community is the best way to protect society and the economy until “safe and effective vaccines and treatments arrive within the next few months.” “The evidence is very clear.”
According to Hirschwerk, there is ample evidence that blockades are effective in reducing the spread of the disease.
He said the area that initiated the blockade “achieved control of the spread of the community and then allowed it to gradually open”, but did not blockade or open too widely in the United States. The area said “the infection was more widespread.”
“Does the author of this editorial justify calling the herd immunity approach a dangerous fallacy that is not supported by scientific evidence?” Hirschwerk asked. “I disagree with that rating.”
In a recently published open letter, the reliance of herd immunity on nearly 100 health professionals to control the spread of COVID-19 could lead to widespread death and an overwhelming healthcare system. Claims to be a dangerous idea.
Sweden, the only country that did not implement the blockade, has actually experienced high mortality and increasing cases, according to experts.
They add that reliance on herd immunity approaches in the United States can lead to serious illness and death in many young and otherwise healthy people.
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