Breast Cancer: Care During Covid-19
According to experts, avoiding going to the clinic for fear of the virus is not the best decision a breast cancer patient can make.
When it comes to diagnosing and treating breast cancer, this year has been a daunting year as cancer professionals are committed to safely servicing patients. Many women also feel hesitant to go to the hospital because of the risk of getting a coronavirus, and some do not follow up on their symptoms.
Breast clinics around the world have also reported a significant reduction in the number of women attending appointments. The number of cases of coronavirus continues to grow, and breast cancer patients are at great risk, but doctors remind people that staying at home is not the best bet because no one is waiting for the cancer. I’m letting you.
“Women and men who are being treated for breast and other types of cancer are at increased risk of Covid-19,” said Dr. Zoe Bramaki, a general surgeon at Virgil Hospital in Abu Dhabi.
“Their defenses, their immune system, are fighting to overcome cancer. Their resilience to fight new viruses, such as the coronavirus, is limited, which exacerbates humanitarian damage. Our knowledge of Covid-19 is still limited to eradicating it. It happens, but until then, it informs people of the danger and of the risk. High people need to be protected. Even survivors without breast cancer need to take precautions and follow the advice of health authorities. “
Risk outweighs profit
The outbreak of Covid-19 had a major impact on consultations between breast cancer patients and oncologists. Currently, cancer professionals want to tell you that their services are very open and that they are doing everything possible to ensure safe access to everyone who needs them. I am thinking. “Many hospitals minimize patient visits to the hospital to combat the pandemic,” said Dr. Medhat Faris, consultant medical oncologist at International Modern Hospital. “We are welcoming new patients to the hospital and treatment is provided if they need urgent help. But we will try to minimize patients asking for a second opinion. In the early stages of breast cancer, regular radiographic examinations and blood draws are avoided as much as possible. “
Specifically, targeted therapy, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy can weaken the immune system and impair the ability to fight the coronavirus. “People with weakened immunity or lung problems are at a much higher risk of complications when infected with the virus,” says Dr. Farris. “But for patients in the early stages of breast cancer who need timely surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation therapy, doctors conclude that the risk of getting Covid may outweigh the benefits of cancer treatment. I did. “
Follow the rules
Breast cancer patients are also required to pay special attention to their daily activities to reduce their risk of becoming infected with Covid-19. The rules given by health authorities for patients in high-risk groups should be strictly adhered to.
“You need to maintain a diet and nutrition with adequate hydration, adequate sleep, exercise, and stress management,” says Dr. Vlamaki. “Remember your friends, interact through social media, talk openly, and discuss important things.”
Women with breast cancer are depleted of vitamin D, so all women can safely take a good supplement of vitamin D3. “Maintaining a healthy diet can provide most of the vitamins and minerals your body needs to keep your immune system strong,” explains Dr. Vlamaki. “Even in sunny countries, the paradox of staying in vitamin D is that it’s the most depleted vitamin in the body. Studies suggest that women with low levels of vitamin D are at increased risk of breast cancer. I will. “
Dr. Farris advises that families and caregivers of breast cancer patients need to be proactive in protecting their health from Covid-19.
“Keep a positive attitude and get other family and friends involved. Stand by your loved ones when they are experiencing an emotional upheaval.”
Stress is a normal response to a pandemic, especially when fighting breast cancer. So how can breast cancer patients calm down? “Keep away from the Covid-19 news story,” says Dr. Farris. “For emotional support, stay in touch with friends, family, caregivers, and online support groups. Sleep well, garden, try new recipes, yoga, and more to keep you happy.
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