Global COVID-19 cases exceed 40 million

The global number of COVID-19 cases exceeds 40 million today, driven by the worsening situation in Europe, the steady increase in cases in the United States, and the clashes within the Trump administration.
Call for solidarity as the Northern Hemisphere heats up
At a World Health Organization (WHO) media briefing today, Secretary-General Tedros Adhanom Gebreyes said the increase in cases in the Northern Hemisphere, especially in Europe and the United States, is tracking the beginning of winter and hospitalizations are also increasing. I said there is. Admission to the intensive care unit (ICU). However, he added that nurses and doctors have a better understanding of how patients are treated compared to the early days of the pandemic.
Tedros said he understands that the world is facing fatigue with all its countermeasures. “The virus has shown that when relaxed, it can skyrocket at an alarming rate and threaten hospitals and healthcare systems.” The overwhelming hospital capacity of patients and healthcare professionals He emphasized that it was dangerous for both.
Tedros is responsible for everyone’s play in procedures such as physical distance, wearing a mask, observing good hand hygiene, and ensuring good ventilation indoors.
At today’s briefing, Tedros announced the launch of the “We Are Family” campaign. This is highlighted by a famous song with the same title as the call for solidarity, unity and collaboration as the world heads for the pandemic and more difficult moon.
At today’s briefing, along with Sister Sledge, the group that popularized the song during the disco era, Kim Sledge said her husband and daughter were both doctors, so she challenged the coronavirus. I am keenly aware of. She said the new usage of this song reminds families of the wider world to embrace each other throughout these difficult times.
In other developments, Tedros said the number of countries participating in the COVAX initiative has increased to 184, with Ecuador and Uruguay recently participating. COVAX is an effort to speed up the development of the COVID-19 vaccine portfolio and ensure fair distribution of them as a way to reduce global threats.
In the US, both White House tensions are rising
According to Johns Hopkins, the United States yesterday reported 48,210 new cases and 388 deaths. Online dashboard.. And the 7-day average exceeded 55,000 cases per day, an increase of 30% from two weeks ago. National Public Radio report. Hospitalizations that are usually delayed are currently increasing in 40 states.
In federal development, President Donald Trump slammed into the campaign phone today with Dr. Tony Forch, MD, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, which belongs to the White House Coronavirus Task Force. Washington post And other media reported.
The president’s comment seems to have responded to last night’s “60 Minutes” interview. Fauci said he was worried that Trump would be infected with the virus, among other concerns. On a phone call today, Trump called Fauci a “disaster” and claimed without evidence that COVID-19 would be far more likely to die if Fauci was in charge.
According to another report, the latest relapse following a weekend report that the White House Coronavirus Task Force’s discord has worsened since Trump’s neuroradiologist and medical adviser, Dr. Scott Atlas, joined the group. Position story. Atlas has supported the controversial herd immunity strategy of controlling the virus. This states that most scientists have medical and ethical problems.
In a related development, Twitter yesterday deleted a tweet from Atlas that tried to undermine the importance of science behind the use of face masks and science. CNN report.
In other US developments:
- After months of controversy, the coronavirus rescue package is still elusive, and yesterday Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi agreed with the Democratic Party to pass the bill before the White House’s election day. He said it would take 48 hours to complete. Politico reported.
- A quarter of U.S. workers are considering quitting their jobs because of COVID-19 concerns, and about 57% of employers are “paying the right amount” in responding to a pandemic. “. Associated Press-Public Opinion Survey of the National Opinion Research Center.
- CVS health Presentation Today, it will employ an additional 15,000 workers ahead of the expected increase in COVID-19 and seasonal influenza, and the expected deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine in the coming months.
- According to Johns Hopkins, the total number of cases in the United States today has increased to 8,201,554, including 220,020 deaths. Tracker..
European hotspots strengthen measures
At today’s WHO media briefing, Dr. Mike Ryan, MD, who directs the Group’s Health Emergency Program, saw a 50% increase in cases last week in half of European countries, with more than one-third of two-thirds. He said it had increased.
“Hospitalization is starting to track it, and even death,” he said, hoping that the patient’s age profile is young and the treatment is good, so the deaths aren’t as bad as they were in the early days of the pandemic. He added that he was doing it. Month,.
Many European countries continue to report record daily cases. For example, in Russia today, there are 15,982 new cases, about one-third of which are in Moscow, and authorities are stepping up several measures, including the opening of a temporary hospital. Reuters report. Italy Also, reporting a record incident yesterday, the Prime Minister of the country gave the mayor new powers to limit meetings.
On the other hand, Wales 2 weeks blockadeFrom October 23, it will be applied to all workers except essential workers to slow down the country’s accelerating incidents. Switzerland Yesterday, new steps were announced to tackle the second wave, including a national mask mission and a ban on large-scale rallies.
According to Johns Hopkins, the total number of cases in the world today is 40,269,921, and 1,116,138 people have died of infectious diseases. Online dashboard..
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