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Mexico may absorb COVID-19 vaccine debt


Mexico City (Reuters)-The Mexican government may absorb some of the debt that results from the unexpected side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, but it doesn’t need the money to do so, top executives said.

It is unclear who will submit the bill if people in poor countries get sick with treatment, as different vaccine candidates go through different stages of clinical trials.

“In the event of such an unforeseen event, these funds will be available from the Treasury,” Deputy Foreign Minister Malta Delgado, who is responsible for the international response to Mexico’s pandemic, told Reuters. But she added, it’s still too early to know for sure how the risks will be distributed.

“When Mexico identifies and buys that agreement, it can also calculate the risks and how it faces,” she said.

Under the COVID-19 vaccine program, backed by the World Health Organization known as COVAX, 92 poor countries are eligible for low-cost or free access to the vaccine until the end of 2021.

Delgado believes that potential side effects are likely to be discovered during vaccine trials and by health authorities.

“I don’t think the entire network of WHO and its associations will launch (vaccines) and make suspicious ones available in more than 100 countries in terms of safety and responsibility,” Delgado said.

According to a confidential document reviewed by Reuters and six people familiar with the issue, WHO strives to ensure fair distribution of injections, leaving the monetary claim issue unresolved.

Not participating in the COVAX contract is more risky for Mexico, she said. “How much does that risk cost?” She asked.

The conditions for participating in COVAX are the same for all signatories, but “without that agreement, there is no COVAX. It’s an end,” Delgado said.

The government hopes to vaccinate almost all of Mexico’s population with the coronavirus by the end of 2021 after signing contracts with pharmaceutical companies Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Cancino and even COVAX.

Delgado expects the first vaccination to come from the drug company that promised the fastest delivery. COVAX hasn’t promised a date, but Pfizer has offered to launch it as early as December, she said.

Delgado expected vaccination to begin by April 2021, but now believes it could be even faster.

“The worst scenario for Mexico is that our (US) neighbor had a vaccination campaign four months before Mexico. Mexico has no vaccination campaign, so the border is closed. There is a problem, “says Delgado.

“These processes need to be coordinated locally,” she added. “If you started vaccination in December, you can also start a vaccination campaign in January or February.”

(Report by Anthony Esposito and Adriana Barrera, edited by Steve Orlofsky and Aurora Ellis)

© Copyright Thomson Reuters 2020


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