A new wave of COVID infections established in the United States
Robin Foster and Ej Mundell, Healthday Reporters
(HealthDay)-The third surge in coronavirus cases is now well-known in the United States, with an average of 59,000 new infections reported nationwide each day.
The aggregate is the highest since the beginning of August, and it is likely that the country will soon see the newest COVID-19 infection within a day of the pandemic. New York Times report.
This latest surge is different from the previous two. Instead of acute outbreaks in certain areas, such as the northeastern part of this spring and the southern part of this summer, the virus is now boiling at levels of concern almost nationwide. Times report. Colorado, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, Montana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, Utah, Wisconsin, and Wyoming each set seven-day case records on Tuesday. Even in New Jersey, which succeeded in controlling the virus last spring, the number of cases doubled last month. Times report.
“It’s a really dangerous time,” Dr. Tom Inglesby, an infectious disease expert at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, told the newspaper. “Most states are on the rise. There are few places where things are steadily falling.”
Even more annoying is the fact that this latest surge is coming as cool weather drives people indoors, and many Americans report being tired of months of social distance and travel restrictions. I will. Times report.
Ohio Governor Mike DeWine said at a press conference on Tuesday that “it’s virtually everywhere.” In his state, 69 out of 88 counties are considered “high incidence”, meaning at least 100 viral cases per 100,000 people in the last two weeks. Times report.
But instead of imposing new steps to curb the spread of COVID-19, Dewin said, “The fastest way we can do is not to issue orders that you can’t or are hard to enforce. Rather, for all Ohio people to take this seriously, “he said, grabbing his cloth mask and lifting it, Times report.
North Dakota, which leads the nation in the number of new cases of coronavirus per capita, had high hospitalizations and deaths, with only 20 intensive care units available throughout the state.
Fortunately, the number of mountaineering cases has not yet led to an increase in deaths. On average, about 700 people die from COVID-19 each day. To date, more than 220,000 Americans have died from the virus.
CDC recommends face masks for public transport
Aiming to slow the spread of the coronavirus, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended on Monday to wear a face mask in all public transport settings.
This includes both passengers and people working at stations, terminals and airports across the country. CBS News report.
So far, the Trump administration has not issued a national obligation to cover the face, instead leaving the decision to state and local leaders.
In the new interim guidance, the CDC called the mask “one of the most effective strategies available to reduce COVID-19 infection.” Widespread use of masks helps protect people at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19 and workers who frequently come into contact with others at airports, bus terminals, stations and ports.
Most US airlines, Amtrak and many other carriers already require passengers and staff to wear masks. CBS News report. The CDC has encouraged all planes, ships, ferries, trains, subways, buses, taxis and rideshare passengers and workers to follow suit.
For months, studies have shown that face masks help control the spread of COVID-19. In the new guidance, the CDC states, “Everyone must wear a mask that covers both their mouth and nose when waiting for the public, traveling, or leaving the public.” [transportation].. People also need to wear masks at airports, bus or ferry terminals, train or subway stations, harbors, or similar areas that provide transportation. “
Guidance also urges carriers to “refuse passengers who do not wear masks and require all passengers, passengers or employees, to wear masks while traveling.” I will. The exceptions are eating, drinking and medical disorders that prohibit wearing masks. ..
Reopening New York City School with No Rapid Increase in COVID Cases
Three weeks after becoming the first metropolitan area to reopen public schools after the pandemic began, New York City Absent Incidents can surge among students and staff.
instead of, Health authorities There are a surprisingly small number of COVID-19 cases. Times report.
Of the more than 15,000 staff and students randomly tested in the first week of the test regimen, the city regained nearly 11,000 results. There were only 18 positives: 13 staff and 5 students, Times report. Even better, when authorities set up mobile test units in new schools near Brooklyn and Queens, only four positive cases surfaced in more than 3,300 tests conducted since the last week of September. The newspaper said it did.
New York City faces fears of a second wave of viruses caused by local surges in Brooklyn and Queens, and authorities have closed more than 120 public schools as a precautionary measure. Times report.
Still, the vast system of 1,800 public schools is a bright spot as the city is trying to recover from a pandemic that has killed thousands and weakened the economy.
When the city reopened its school system in September, about half of the city’s students chose hybrid learning. In hybrid learning, one day you are in a building, the other day you are not. This approach allowed the city to keep the size of the class small. Times report.
“The data is encouraging,” said Paula White, executive director of the teacher group Educators for Excellence. “It reinforces what we’ve heard about schools not being superspreaders.”
COVID continues to spread around the world
By Wednesday, the number of cases of coronavirus in the United States exceeded 8.3 million and the death toll was close to 221,000. Times Aggregate.
According to the same tally, the top five states of coronavirus cases as of Wednesday are: California has over 887,000. Over 879,000 Texas. Over 760,000 Florida. Over 491,000 New York. And over 356,000 Illinois.
Controlling the spread of the coronavirus in other parts of the world remains difficult.
Some European countries are suffering from another wave of coronavirus infections, and hospital beds are starting to fill up, resulting in a surge in cases. Position report.
In the United Kingdom, Prime Minister Boris Johnson has launched a three-step blockade to slow the surprising surge in coronavirus cases across the country. In the last three weeks, the number of cases of new coronavirus has quadrupled, and more COVID-19 patients have been hospitalized than before the government imposed a blockade in March. Position report.
Johnson recently warned the British that the increase in national incidents was “blinking like a jet airliner dashboard warning.”
The situation is not good in India, where the number of cases of coronavirus exceeds 7.6 million, Johns Hopkins aggregates show.
According to Hopkins, nearly 116,000 coronavirus cases have died in India, but when measured as a percentage of the population, India has far fewer deaths than many others. According to doctors, this reflects India’s young and lean population.
Still, the country’s public health system is so tense that some sick patients cannot find a hospital bed. Times Said. Only the United States has more cases of coronavirus.
Meanwhile, Brazil has passed 5.2 million cases as of Wednesday, killing nearly 155,000, Hopkins estimates show.
Incidents are also on the rise in Russia: the country Coronavirus The number of cases exceeded 1.4 million. As of Wednesday, the number of deaths reported in Russia was about 25,000, Hopkins’ tally showed.
According to Hopkins, the number of infections reported worldwide exceeded 40.8 million on Wednesday, killing more than 1.1 million.
The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention New coronavirus..
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Quote: A new wave of COVID infections established in the United States (October 21, 2020) is from https: // on October 21, 2020. Was acquired by
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