Coronavirus Tips: 12 Ways to Stay Safe When You Leave Home

In a grocery store, social distance is important, but so is shopping.
Shara Tibken / CNET
For the latest news and information about the Coronavirus pandemic, WHO Website.
I spend most of my time indoors all day, Isolated at homeYou may still get out of the house, perform errands, get fresh air, and take you on the way to mix with other people outside your home. A very contagious new strain of Coronavirus Can be passed By people who are asymptomatic, It is important to your health and to them that they do not spread bacteria.
As the United States wins 243,000 confirmed cases COVID-19, and Over 1 million reported cases World wide, Avoid crowds Every time I go out Wash your hands thoroughly When going out to public places, when opportunities exist are considered the most effective safeguards for most people.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention will announce new guidelines that, in addition to maintaining social distance, encourage people to wear a cloth face mask or other face cover when going out. Currently, the CDC does not consider these measures necessary for healthy civilians. Certainly there is no harm in wearing them, Homemade face masks have not proven to be effective against coronavirusUnlike, N95 mask, The medical community is very scarce.
US surgeon general Tweeted Wednesday: “If you choose to wear a face cover, this cannot be achieved at the expense of social distance.”
Here are other good tips to follow when you need to go to the store or take a walk. This is the current understanding about coronavirus Food delivery And emails such as Amazon packages.
It is important to reduce the risk of exposure when shopping.
Jessica Dorcourt / CNET
Fingertips are enough: use knees, feet, elbows and knuckles instead
If you press the sidewalk sign button with your fingertip, stop. If you need to open a door, press a button, pull a lever, or digitally sign something, use another body part instead. You have a lot.
For example, you often use a knuckle instead of a finger pad to tap a PIN code or make a selection on a digital screen. Push and open the door with your shoulders, hips and feet, not your hands.
The elbow or wrist usually flips the light switch or sink faucet, wrapping the sweater or jacket sleeve around the door handle, which must be physically pulled out. In particular, if you are likely to use your hands to touch food (for example, if you open the door to a restaurant and take out), throw your clothes on the laundry later instead of exposing your skin right away It’s easy. .
Distance, distance, distance
Social distance means relaxing at home, refraining from meeting outside friends and family directly, or maintaining the boundaries between yourself and others when you go out.
The practice of keeping a distance of 6 feet from people outside the homegroup is to queue and wait at grocery stores, take a walk (when expanding and paying attention to street traffic, You can walk around), and pick up the food to go.
Some states enforce social distance in grocery stores, and some companies do so themselves. However, if you need to keep a distance between you and others while walking or reaching for a product in the store, you may want to step back and wait or politely ask your partner to give you more clearance (“Oh, I’m trying to keep everyone away”).
Such automatic door openers can prevent hands from touching common surfaces.
Slobo / Getty Images
Find automatic options
Most modern buildings have an accessibility button to open the door for those who are worried about moving. You can easily touch this with your forearm, hips, or feet (some are quite low) and wait a few seconds for the door to open.
Consider buying a home automatic soap dispenser so you don’t have to worry about transferring bacteria to the pump.
Check where you placed your smartphone
While We prepared to use disinfecting wipes on the phone, Another clever idea is to keep the device from initially resting on obscure surfaces. you are Really Do I need to put my phone down, or can I put it in my coat pocket or purse? If you can’t expose your smartphone to a shared surface, you don’t have to worry about them in the first place.
If you place your smartphone on a shared surface, place the napkin and place your smartphone on it. This eliminates the need to frequently disinfect the device.
If you can’t rest with a microfiber cloth, you can use a disinfecting wipe on your iPhone.
Derek Poor / CNET
Pay attention to shopping
If you bring your own tote and bring plastic or mesh produce bags, you are the only one to handle them, and there is a certain advantage in protection as you do not touch the “public” baskets or shopping carts. Some stores require that you bring your own items into your bag if you bring your own. If you’re shopping for your produce bags, put them in a tote bag and put the items in the bag.
On the other hand, some people find it uncomfortable to bring their own bags, and some stores hinder their habits during the epidemic. If you’re not sure, we recommend contacting your store for guidelines before shopping.
If using a store basket, cart, or bag, wash your hands thoroughly before leaving the house to protect others, bring in any hand-held hygiene wipes, and wipe the basket or cart. Increasingly (many stores do not keep or may lack these), always wash your hands when you return home.
Do not sort produce with bare hands
When sorting food, put your hands in a fresh store bag and use the outside like a glove to pick up the garlic and oranges you need. This is to avoid touching all items with bare hands. . One woman looked at me. I didn’t know if she thought I was sane or wonderful, but let’s think about the latter.
You can throw large cloth bags into the washroom, disinfect them after the store, and keep small plastic or biodegradable bags for future travel. Mesh produced bags are available from sellers such as Amazon, Target, and Walmart, which are safe for washing machines. As always, when you get home, wash well with your hands.
Maybe do not look through all fruits and vegetables without reinforcement.
Shara Tibken / CNET
Say hello to people like thisnot It
Millions of people are isolated, but if you have the opportunity, you can resist the urge to see, hug, relax, and tap your back with family, friends, and neighbors in the store or street. You. handshake. Also exclude elbow ridges and toes. Try one of these A clever and satisfying way to greet safely on behalf of 13 people.
Even if I feel good Avoid crowds Is a compassionate way to protect people with vulnerable demographics, such as older relatives or those with health problems. It is not always obvious when someone has Immune system disorders Or other invisible health concerns.
Wash your hands every time you come home
Thorough washing of hands, as well as social distance, is one of the best defenses against acquiring the coronavirus. Give your hands a thorough scrub each time you come back. Twenty seconds is recommended, but this may seem like age, but it’s easy if you wash it slowly.
I soaped each hand for 5 seconds (1,000) from finger to wrist, then counted another 5 seconds, thoroughly washed each hand, and removed the soap (and dead bacteria). We wash soap dispenser pump and faucet handle well.
This adjusts your contacts, blows your nose, and feels safe enough to pick up anything persistent from your teeth in the comfort of your space.
read more: The perfect thermometer for colds and flu
Do not neglect the car and the house
After returning from disposables, you can safely wipe the surface of your car or house, especially if you are sharing with others. While human-to-human contact is the most common vector, viruses and bacteria spread through objects and other forms of indirect physical contact. Here is our guide House and car disinfection.
Carry extra napkins, disinfecting wipes, facial tissue
Packing your wallet with extra tissue or erasing paper products such as wipes and wet wipes is already part of my habit, but now I pay special attention to the amount of paper I have.
Usually, after an instant snack (in my bag), I sometimes use a spare napkin to wipe my hands. Today, these products are useful for removing bacteria or acting as a barrier between you (or your phone) and a surface. For example, if you just saw someone coughing your hand before turning the knob, open the door handle.
Stop handling cash
The highest risk of coronavirus transmission is thought to be from person to person, but we know that shared surfaces can hide the virus. For now, you can play safely by securing cash and relying more on contactless payments.
Many payment terminals can use Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay and Credit card with contactless logo. If you need a digital signature, you can use a knuckle instead of your index finger. For physical signatures, start packing your own pen.
Delete problematic items for a long time
Coronavirus can adhere to surfaces such as jackets and desktops. Up to 9 days At room temperature, research has found. However, the CDC found that coronavirus RNA remained in the cabin of the Diamond Princess cruise ship Up to 17 days after passenger departure.
Thorough cleaning with aged soap and water is known to destroy the virus structure, but if you don’t know how to disinfect items like dry-cleaned jackets and boots, set aside 3-4 weeks is another option.
read more Global Coronavirus Update, Method Track the spread of the virus All over the world, and How to disinfect the house.
The information contained in this article is for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended for health or medical advice. Always consult a physician or other qualified health care provider if you have questions about your medical condition or health goals.
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