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COVID-19 Summary: Wildfire smoke can help the virus move, and mouthwash can help control its spread


A summary of some of the latest scientific studies on coronavirus this week and efforts to find cures and vaccines for COVID-19 will help determine how the virus may have traveled further and the viral load of infected individuals. Reveal once-daily practices that can help suppress.

Wildfire smoke may have contributed to the spread of COVID-19

According to one paper, large wildfires may be associated with an increase and death of COVID-19 cases in the San Francisco area. In a European review for medicine and pharmacology..

Researchers found that between March and September, increased levels of smoke particles, other wildfire pollutants, and carbon monoxide increased daily COVID-19 diagnosis and total COVID-19 mortality. I found that it corresponds. Correlation does not necessarily mean causality, but air pollution provides a means for viruses to travel within the environment, said Sultan Ayubmeo, co-author of King Saud University in Saudi Arabia.

These small contaminants, along with the microbes they carry, “can easily be inhaled deep into the lungs and cause infections,” Meo said.

“Carbon monoxide is a highly toxic gas that can damage the lungs, resulting in an increase in cases of COVID-19 and the cause of death in wildfire areas,” he said. I told Reuters.

Antiviral mouthwash may help control coronavirus infection

According to one paper, mouthwashes containing antiviral components may help reduce COVID-19 infection by reducing the amount of virus in the mouth when infected patients cough, sneeze, or speak. Published in Journal of Dental Research It was released on Thursday.

Studies have shown that rinses containing cetylpyridinium chloride or povidone iodine can reduce the burden of oral coronavirus. Other promising compounds include hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, cyclodextrin, citrox, and certain essential oils.

Dr. Florence Carrouel, co-author of the University of Claude Bernard Lyon in France, told Reuters that everyone should use these mouthwashes because people can get infected and go unnoticed. He said.

Further research is needed to determine the appropriate regimen, but she suggests using three antiviral mouthwashes the day before the meeting and one dose in the morning of the event. COVID-19 patients should use mouthwash on a regular basis for 7-10 days.

Cold antibodies can hijack the body’s COVID-19 response

Researchers say that a phenomenon called “antigenic sin” may explain why some COVID-19 patients become so ill. Because the new virus shares several functions with the common cold-causing coronavirus, the body’s immune response includes antibodies that have previously learned to recognize and attack those old viruses. there is a possibility. This can then impair the body’s ability to fight COVID-19, as common cold antibodies do not reliably attack new viruses.

Patients with severe COVID-19 have a higher immune response to other coronaviruses than those with mild disease. Researchers reported On medRxiv prior to peer review. This situation-when the body reacts to a new intruder based on the “memory” of the previous intruder-has been seen before and is called “antigen original sin”.

Gijsbert van Nierop, co-author of the Erasmus Medical Center in the Netherlands, told Reuters that the new vaccine should not only boost the immune response to the common cold virus, but should also stimulate the immune response to the new virus. He said he wouldn’t.

Powerful bowel medicine looks safe during a pandemic

According to a study of more than 5,300 patients with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis published Thursday, people with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) can take immunosuppressive drugs to control their symptoms, but COVID- Does not increase the risk of 19 Inflammatory bowel disease in medical journals..

“After examining other known risk factors for COVID-19, such as age, race, and other medical issues, we found that immunosuppressive therapy was not associated with an increased risk of COVID-19.” Dr. Christinberg, co-author of Massachusetts General Hospital, and Harvard Medical School told Reuters.

“In people with IBD infected with COVID-19, the use of immunosuppressive drugs increases the risk of developing a serious illness defined as a disease that requires hospitalization, stay in the intensive care unit, or death. I also found that I wouldn’t let you. “

However, as other studies have shown, old age and obesity were also risk factors for severe COVID-19 in these patients.


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