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Why Pandemics Encourage Many People to Stop Alcohol

Why Pandemics Encourage Many People to Stop Alcohol


When the state was closed and bars and restaurants were closed, everyday people stockpiled toilet paper, cleaning supplies, and liquor.

In fact, at the start of the pandemic, alcohol sales surged. In the United States, there was a 55% increase over the previous year in the week leading up to March 21, 2020.Some are Data suggests People are drinking more during the pandemic, at least initially, the pandemic also prompted a reassessment of life, and many Americans reconsidered the role of alcohol in their lives.

“At first I was actually drinking more,” said Mike Miller’s founder. Wilderness Times, Told the salon. “The doors open more often just by being around the house, so I drink more often.”

For Miller, this meant 2-3 drinks in 5-6 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Heavy drinking for men means drinking more than 15 glasses a week.

“A few weeks after the pandemic, I calmed down and realized that I was definitely overdoing it,” Miller said. “So I went to the cold turkey and stopped completely.”

“Moderation is difficult,” Miller added. Therefore, I felt that it was easier to cut out completely than to work on limiting myself.

Despite reports that many have returned to unhealthy consumption patterns during the pandemic, some see it as an opportunity to make healthier lifestyle choices, including refraining from drinking. ..No data from the US yet, but a study by researchers at University College London It turns out that young Australians actually drink less during the blockade, Partly due to lack of social opportunities.Similarly, a July poll Alcohol change UK 37% of the 1,647 UK residents surveyed attempted to control alcohol consumption during the blockade by spending alcohol-free days, reducing the amount of alcohol purchased, and joining virtual support groups. I found out.

Forty-eight-year-old David Bucke, who lives in Atlanta, told Salon that when the pandemic first hit his alcohol consumption, he “basically jumped a bit out of fear.”

“It probably lasted for a month or so, but when I realized that your immune system was heavily involved in fighting the virus, I made the transition and returned to pre-pandemic drinking levels,” Bakke said. Mr. says. .. “I just wanted to do everything I could to limit my chances of getting infected. If this means reducing the number of parties in the coming months a bit, I’m fine.”

There is another reason to worry about alcohol consumption during a pandemic. That is, alcohol can have a negative effect on the immune system.Papers published in the journal Alcohol research Excessive alcohol consumption can “impair the body’s ability to prevent infection,” he said. This raises concerns when the body needs to fight the new coronavirus.

Functional nutritionist and hormonal expert Maritza Chesonis-Worthington told Salon that it was difficult to imagine her giving up alcohol until the pandemic broke out. As a “health-conscious” person, her decision to refrain from alcohol came about for a myriad of reasons. First, she wanted to support her immune system and stay healthy. Second, there was less social pressure on drinking.

“Perhaps it’s not the substance itself that drives the dependency, but the sense of connection and tradition that comes between family and friends,” said Chesonis Worsington. Currently she is finding “new ways to connect with others”.

But not everyone cuts cold alcoholic turkey.according to Report on the opening of the journal JAMA Network, Americans drink 14% more often during a coronavirus pandemic, but this data is from the beginning of the pandemic. The survey compared the responses of a survey of 1,540 participants in spring self-reported drinking habits with the previous year. For women, it was up to 17 percent more than last year. Participants in the study were between the ages of 30 and 80.The data collected Rand Corporation American Life Panel..

Michael Pollard, a sociologist and co-author of the action, I talked to the salon before The fact that these “alcohol use behaviors” were unknown [will] Whether to “persist” or “return to the state before COVID-19”.

Indeed, some say that at the beginning of the pandemic, drinking habits accelerated before they diminished. Myth writer Mike Greenberg I told the salon.

“I was very excited when the quarantine began. I was a little too excited,” Greenberg said in an email. “It was great to work from home, drink about four glasses of beer (who knows?), And make excuses for not exercising … until it’s gone.”

Greenberg said he had been drinking almost every day after the first few weeks.

“Only my mental health hung below my gut,” Greenberg said. “It’s been a real fight since then, but the local gym has finally reopened and is finally on the other side. I exercise a lot, eat healthy, and stick to water, juice, and tea. . “

“Honestly, I feel like Superman in comparison,” he said.

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