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Breaking News | Fear is interesting when it provides a short deviation from a person’s normal physiological state


It’s during the year that people enjoy flocking to the haunted house and being scared. And new research reveals why humans seek this “entertainment horror.”

A team at Aarhus University found that horror became interesting when it triggered certain physical reactions, such as changes in heart rate, and deviated slightly from a person’s normal physiological state.

However, if the deviation is prolonged, the enjoyment can be diminished, as the individual can be overwhelmed and the fear can be taken over.

This study suggests that there are “sweet spots” that maximize horror entertainment, but you can quickly cross the line with horrifying experiences.

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It’s during the year that people flock to haunted houses to enjoy being scared-and new research reveals why humans look for this “entertainment horror.”

Fear is usually classified as unpleasant and is used as a way for humans to protect themselves from harm.

However, there is a phenomenon called “recreation horror” that occurs when it is a fun experience that people seek.

Marc Malmdorf Andersen, a researcher at the Interacting Minds Center at Aarhus University and the lead author of the paper, said: “There seems to be a” sweet spot “that maximizes enjoyment by investigating how humans derive joy from fear. ‘

“Our study provides some of the first empirical evidence of the relationship between physical arousal in fear, enjoyment, and recreational form of fear.”

The study involved 110 participants wearing cardiac monitoring devices while walking through 50 haunted houses with many horrifying tactics.

Researchers have found that horror becomes interesting when it causes certain physical reactions, such as changes in heart rate, resulting in short deviations from a person’s normal physiological state.

The study involved 110 participants wearing cardiac monitoring devices while walking through 50 haunted houses with many horrifying tactics.

This included frequent jump scares, where zombies and other giant pieces suddenly appeared and rushed towards volunteers.

Participants were also monitored by scientists via a live stream and were able to see real-time reactions as they bravely walked through the haunted house.

Guests arriving at the end of the haunted house were asked about cargo levels and fun during each encounter.

We compared our self-reported experience with heart rate monitor data and surveillance cameras to determine fear-related and fun-related factors of attraction at the subjective, behavioral, and physiological levels.

“But past studies of recreational fear have failed to establish a direct relationship between fun and fear,” Andersen said.

By plotting the relationship between self-reported fear and fun, researchers found an inverted U-shaped tendency, revealing a clear sweet spot of fear that maximizes fun.

“If people aren’t too scared, they don’t enjoy the charm so much, and if they’re too scared, the same thing happens,” Andersen said. “Instead, it seems true that a” just right “amount of fear is central to maximizing enjoyment. “

However, if the deviation is long-lasting, the enjoyment can be dimmed, as the individual can be overwhelmed and fear can take over.Studies suggest that there are “sweet spots” that maximize horror entertainment, but you can quickly cross the line with horrifying experiences.

The results show a similar inverted U-shape for participants’ heart rate signatures, suggesting that enjoyment is associated with just the right deviation from a person’s normal physiological state.

However, when a horrifying encounter causes a large and long-lasting deviation from this normal state, an unpleasant sensation often follows, as measured by a pulse rate that goes up and down frequently over a longer period of time.

“This is very similar to what scientists have discovered to characterize human play,” Andersen said.

“For example, it is often curious that an individual is reasonably violating expectations. Some explanations about play include a modest amount of uncertainty to explain why play is enjoyable. The importance of surprise is emphasized. “

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