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It is important to minimize the risk of stroke during a pandemic

It is important to minimize the risk of stroke during a pandemic


According to Dr, pandemic pressure causes the worst of women over the age of 40 and is at risk of developing a cerebral aneurysm or stroke. Eleanor Galvin.. Recognizing that it is a worrying risk factor for women’s health, she emphasizes the importance of continuing to screen patients to ensure early detection and treatment and raising awareness of the signs of cerebral aneurysms. doing.

“Coronavirus isn’t just about respiratory illness. Studies have shown that abnormal blood clots in asymptomatic healthy people cause a surge in stroke,” says Galvin. “The additional stress of managing a more complex family life, along with financial concerns, can increase a woman’s blood pressure as lower estrogen levels reduce the elasticity of vascular tissue.

“This is the optimal environment for developing a cerebral aneurysm, combined with other lifestyle factors such as reduced ability to participate in exercise classes, a comfortable diet, increased household alcohol consumption, and smoking. To create. “

Dr. Eleanor Galvin

Dr. Eleanor Galvin

Strokes due to bleeding in and around the brain account for about 15 percent of strokes. Women over the age of 40, also known as cerebral hemorrhage or cerebral hemorrhage, are at increased risk of experiencing a hemorrhagic stroke.Galvin, who specializes in women’s health and runs her My family medicine To RathfarnhamDublin has specified that there are two key factors that can cause a cerebral aneurysm: genetic makeup and lifestyle.

“Cerebral aneurysms are sometimes called silent killer,” she says. “Because we often don’t know that we have a cerebral aneurysm until it’s too late, especially women, ignoring the warning signs that may indicate themselves, are symptoms of other low-risk illnesses. You can ignore them as.

Cerebral aneurysm

“As a woman in her late 40s, a practitioner who mainly operates on female patients, I am too aware of how important it is to recognize the signs of a cerebral aneurysm. In the current environment, We women, and very often mothers, are at even greater risk of putting our own health and well-being behind everyone else. “

– Women over the age of 40 are 70% more likely to develop a cerebral aneurysm than men because of low postmenopausal estrogen hormone levels.

– Increased stress causes an increase in blood pressure, increasing the risk of developing a cerebral aneurysm or stroke.

– The report is Ireland I drink more regularly at home and increase alcohol to cope with pandemic pressure. High alcohol intake increases the risk.

– An increased incidence of anxiety and depression in women as a result of a pandemic causes unhealthy food selection and excessive weight gain, increases pressure on the bloodstream, and thus the risk of developing a cerebral aneurysm. Is increasing.

– Many women are at increased risk of not being able to maintain a healthy level of exercise due to their reduced ability to exercise during gym and fitness class restrictions. To make matters worse, sudden strenuous exercise to lose Covid-belly increases the risk of rupturing an undetected aneurysm by 250%.

No symptoms

An unruptured cerebral aneurysm may not cause symptoms, but there are warning signs that it can develop when pressure is applied to brain tissue or nerves. These symptoms can easily be caused by other problems, but should not be ignored. Frequently severe local headache, double vision or blurred vision, pain above or behind the eyes and peripheral vision loss, difficulty concentrating or processing information, short-term memory problems, imbalance or coordination or malaise If experienced, undergo screening to ensure early detection and treatment.

The contour procedure is fast, most often done in less than 20 minutes, and in some cases less than 5 minutes.

“When a cerebral aneurysm ruptures, it quickly becomes very ill,” says Dr. Galvin. “Usually sudden, severe headaches, numbness and weakness, speech and confusion, nausea and vomiting, light sensitivity, stiff shoulders, and seizures. Not all cerebral aneurysms require treatment. Some Small ones may instead be monitored for some time.

“But it is important to note that worldwide, only half of patients with ruptured cerebral aneurysms survive and one in four patients remain in the red. Fortunately, medicine is very Now I have surgery for an unruptured cerebral aneurysm and can recover in 24 hours. “

Dr. Stephen Griffin

Dr. Stephen Griffin

Innovative procedure developed by a former student of University of Limerick, Doctor Stephen GriffinUses a device that enters through a vein in the leg and travels to the brain to block blood flow to the aneurysm. Unlike a similar treatment known as coiling, this new method is now Beaumont Hospital Cork University Hospital can treat a large number of aneurysms of different sizes and shapes in half the time without performing dangerous open surgery.

“Coil embolization accounts for about 70% of all procedures today, but other techniques have evolved over the last 15 years to make these interventions faster and the number of aneurysms that can be coiled. Inappropriate, surgery can pose an undue risk to the patient. Contour procedures are fast, most often completed in less than 20 minutes, and in some cases in as little as 5 minutes. . “


Thursday, October 29, is World Stroke Day, and it is imperative to minimize the risk of stroke during this highly stressed period. “Reducing alcohol intake can reduce the risk of stroke,” Galvin advises. “Smoking doubles the risk of dying from a stroke. But the moment you quit, the risk of a stroke begins to decrease. Being overweight increases your risk of stroke by 20% and increases with your weight. Being obese increases the risk of stroke by 64%.

“If you have a family history or previous personal history of a cerebral aneurysm, talk to your GP about regular screening. A person with one cerebral aneurysm may develop another. There are 10% to 15%. Choosing a healthier lifestyle can prevent the aneurysm from rupturing or developing. Whether it’s diet, activity level, smoking, or drinking. , It’s never too late to make changes. “

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