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Male worms have a “sex switch” that helps them insert their penis into their peers

Male worms have a “sex switch” that helps them insert their penis into their peers


Scientists have a “sex switch” in the male worm’s brain that helps to insert a “penis” into its peers.

  • UCL researchers have discovered that roundworms can transform cells into specialized neurons
  • This ability to transform mature cells for another purpose is extremely rare
  • Male roundworms convert glial cells into neurons when they mature sexually
  • It allows them to move backwards over their buddies and readjust their position, allowing them to insert their needles into their buddies.

Sexual and biological phenomena lurking in unsightly roundworm cells have been discovered.

UCL researchers have discovered that male worms have the ability to turn normal cells into navigation neurons. This helps the animal get into the correct position during sex.

As the animal matures sexually, the cells change and male worms can shimmy their buddies into the right place, allowing reproductive organs called spicles to enter the buddies.

The ability of mature cells to change their purpose in the middle of an animal’s life is almost unprecedented in nature.

Researchers want to deselect cell mechanisms because they have the potential to reprogram cells to incorporate new functions and create new therapies.

UCL researchers have discovered that male worms have the ability to turn normal cells into navigation neurons. This helps the animal get into the correct position during sex. Cells change as the animal matures sexually (stock)

UCL researchers have discovered that male worms have the ability to turn normal cells into navigation neurons. This helps the animal get into the correct position during sex. Cells change as animals mature sexually (stock)

Co-lead author Dr. Richard Poole said: ‘If a cell has a unique identity with a particular function, it is considered fixed throughout the life of the animal.

“But here we will discuss in detail the case of special cells that switch to new cell types with completely unrelated functions later in the animal’s life.”

Roundworms, also known as C. elegans, have been widely studied by scientists as model organisms, and this discovery is even more surprising.

A team of experts was studying glial cells that are involved in the nervous system but not neurons.

The ability of mature cells to change their purpose in the middle of an animal's life is almost unprecedented in nature. Researchers want to deselect cell mechanisms because they have the potential to reprogram cells to incorporate new functions and create new therapies (stocks).

The ability of mature cells to change their purpose in the middle of an animal’s life is almost unprecedented in nature. Researchers want to deselect cell mechanisms because they have the potential to reprogram cells to incorporate new functions and create new therapies (stocks).

Roundworms have neurons that keep you from forgetting sex

Male roundworms have special brain cells that help them remember sex.

These male-specific neurons are required for gender differences in learning, suggesting that gender differences in cognitive abilities may be genetically fixed.

However, they observed a “glial-to-neuron cell fate switch” that was activated when the male worm reached puberty and became sexually mature.

Once the call is converted, it cannot be reverted to its original format.

It transforms glial cells into specialized neurons, allowing the worm to slide backwards along the partner’s back during mating.

This so-called Molina Maneuver is named after Dr. Laura Olina Garcia, the first researcher to discover it, and is where newly formed cells act.

They help guide the worm so that the worm’s needle, which corresponds to the penis, can find the right place.

Examples of cell switching have not yet been seen in vertebrate species, including humans.

Dr. Poole says this finding means that there is more in the identity of the cell than previously believed.

“This finding can also be applied to develop better and more efficient ways to reprogram cells in the laboratory. It is a neurodegenerative condition such as spinal cord injury and Parkinson’s disease or Huntington’s disease. It is a widely used strategy for cell replacement therapies such as, “he says. ..

Dr. Aranza Barrios, also co-author of UCl, is looking at another application for this discovery.

“A deeper understanding of how animal movements are guided by self-sensory feedback can also help in robotics to improve the execution of behavioral sequences,” she says.

This study was published today in the journal eLife.



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