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Drinking coffee can help OCD patients to wash their hands relentlessly

Drinking coffee can help OCD patients to wash their hands relentlessly


Studies suggest that coffee may help reproductive haters who compulsively wash their hands and overcome obsessive-compulsive behavior

  • Some people with OCD suffer from intrusive and unwanted thought patterns
  • They may try to relieve these by performing repetitive actions like washing
  • Isreali psychologists investigated how long subjects could postpone hand washing
  • They found that volunteers could wait twice as long after drinking coffee
  • Awakening from caffeine causes suppression, which helps control unwanted thoughts

The study concluded that drinking a cup of coffee may help obsessive-compulsive disorder people overcome their urge to wash their hands.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a mental health condition characterized by intrusive thoughts that the patient may try to alleviate with repetitive behavior.

Israeli researchers have investigated how obsessive-compulsive cleaning habits can postpone washing their hands after touching simulated “dirty” objects.

They found that when they first drank regular coffee, subjects could wait twice as long and appeared to be less painful.

The team explained that the arousal provided by caffeine increases suppression. This in turn helps stop unwanted obsessive thoughts and actions.

The study concluded that drinking a cup of coffee may help obsessive-compulsive disorder people overcome their urge to wash their hands. The team explained that the arousal provided by caffeine increases suppression. This helps stop obsessions.

The study concluded that drinking a cup of coffee may help obsessive-compulsive disorder people overcome their urge to wash their hands. The team explained that the arousal provided by caffeine increases suppression. This helps stop obsessions.

“Our study shows how arousal can help stop compulsive behavior,” said Hadar Naftalovich, a psychologist and author of a dissertation at the University of Jerusalem.

“This can help clinicians control the patient’s obsessive-compulsive symptoms and deliver better outcomes.”

In this study, Naftalovich and his colleagues recruited 47 individuals suffering from high levels of pollution and compulsive cleaning habits.

Each volunteer was given a cup of regular coffee or decaffeinated coffee.

Then they were asked to touch the mock’s “dirty” baby diapers — and wait as long as possible before they wash their hands.

Researchers found that participants who drank decaffeinated beverages suffered significantly less pain and had less urge to wash their hands than those who were given decaffeinated coffee.

Similarly, regular coffee drinkers were able to resist the urge to force themselves to clean themselves twice as long as those without caffeine.

Volunteers who drank a cup of regular coffee were able to resist the urge to force themselves to clean themselves for twice as long as volunteers without caffeine after touching an apparently dirty object. ..

Volunteers who drank a cup of regular coffee were able to resist the urge to force themselves to clean themselves for twice as long as volunteers without caffeine after touching an apparently dirty object. ..

“Increased arousal due to caffeine intake can increase inhibition, which in turn is important to stop intrusive thoughts (such as disgust), urges, and obsessive-compulsive purification of individuals at high risk of contamination. It can play a role, “the team said.

“It is useful for patients and clinicians to know that it is more feasible to control their symptoms when they are alert and that this knowledge can be used to improve treatment outcomes.”

“Awakening should be seen as a new therapeutic goal by both psychopharmacology and psychotherapy scientists.”

The full findings of the study Anxiety Disorder Journal..

Obsessive-compulsive disorder: basic

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, commonly known as OCD, is a general mental health condition in which people develop behaviors that they are obsessed with thinking and struggle to control.

It can affect anyone of any age, but it usually develops in young adulthood.

It can cause people to repeatedly have unwanted or offensive thoughts.

People can also develop obsessive-compulsive behavior (physical behavior or something spiritual), which is repeated many times to relieve obsessions.

The condition can be controlled and treatment usually includes psychotherapy or medication.

The reasons for OCD are unknown, but risk factors include family history of the condition, specific differences in brain chemicals, or major life events such as childbirth or bereavement.

People who are naturally tidy, tidy, or anxious are also more likely to develop it.

Source: NHS



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