Coronavirus mass testing termination strategies and contact tracking
What the first tips UK Exit Strategy from Lockdown Revealed by one of the government’s top advisers.
Professor Neil Ferguson, who is so important to the London Imperial College team in advancing the current strategy and is called “ Professor Lockdown, ” said Masstest and contacts at the time the numbers dropped significantly Said that tracking would “arguably” replace the current limit.
Ferguson told the BBC’s Andrew Marr program that hospital admissions are declining every day and that he hopes the epidemic will level off within seven to ten days.
Daily fatalities have also fallen from 708 deaths reported on Saturday to 621 on Sunday. Professor Ferguson stated that overall deaths could eventually reach 7,000.
So far, the government’s plans to end lockdown are unknown, and some experts predict that intermittent restrictions and local quarantine will continue until vaccines and treatments become available.
Boris Johnson plans to consider the measures for the first time this week, but Ferguson said the current regulation could be lifted in a matter of weeks, revealing what the United Kingdom would look like afterwards.
According to Ferguson: “Determining when lockdown ends will depend on what happens in this epidemic. With this initiative, unlocking lockdown at a high number of cases will not make sense, Also increase rapidly.
“We want to get the case number to a low point where the most annoying and economically expensive aspects of current lockdown can begin to be replaced by other means. In most cases, these additional Stopping the chain of cases and transmissions involves going back to identifying contacts and drastically increasing the test.
“This is only feasible if there are far fewer cases per day than today.”
NHS Digital Division is now Working with the contact tracking app It notifies people when they come into close contact with a person who has been tested positive for a coronavirus, so they can quickly self-isolate before infecting many people. This is a successful strategy in other countries, such as Korea. And the government promised 100,000 tests daily by the end of April.
Ferguson also said other strategies could be deployed, such as blocking vulnerable people for longer or focusing on specific geographic areas.
Deputy Chief Medical Officer Dr. Jenny Harrys has previously stated that some measures may need to be implemented for up to six months.
“The exact strategy has not been developed,” adds Ferguson. “It’s next week or two, and it’s a top priority in the entire scientific and medical community.”
According to Martin Hibbard, professor of emerging infectious diseases at the London University of Health and Tropical University: “A more regular social activity and outbreak with a combination of some social distance measurements, extensive testing, and automated contact tracking.”
“The whole blockade depends on the actions of the British,” said Secretary of Health Matt Hancock.
“I fully understand the longing of people to know how quickly this can be done. If people follow the rules and are at home even in summer weather, Experience faster and more people will survive. “
Economists and mental health experts are increasingly warning about the effects of lockdown, and former Bank of England governor Marvin King claims that people will start to rebound after months. .
Gerald Dryons, former chief economic advisor to London’s mayor Boris Johnson, and economist Paul Omerrod, a new report issued this weekend shows that the long blockade “ wipes out the big band of the economy. ” It will have a negative effect on many people, both financially and mentally, who warned that “
The pair is Should use a traffic light system. Phase 1-Red-More shops are opened and strict social distances are maintained. Phase 2-Amber-If people are away, you can open up unlimited car trips and restaurants, and green again enables large gatherings.
Travel restrictions from areas with high infection rates may be maintained. Ferguson said that during the early stages of the outbreak, the UK’s Public Health Service (PHE) could only track and isolate one-third of people entering the country with the virus that caused the communicable disease. Was estimated.
However, as told on Radio 4 over the weekend, fewer cases replace some of the powerful social distance measurements by providing quick access to tests and contact tracking within weeks. He said he was expecting to be able to.
“We hope to have at least the end of May replace some of the current lockdowns with some less focused measures based on technology and testing.” He added.
Kiel Sturmer, the leader of the new Labor party, said the government must publish its exit strategy, he said, and he said he was a combination of testing and subsequent vaccine.
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