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Regina’s Bong Cell Lounge will be out of service due to the declaration of COVID-19 outbreak


Bong lounge The service was stopped on Saturday of the same day Saskatchewan Health Department Declared COVID-19 (new coronavirus infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when it first appears Occurrence in a nightclub.

Occurrence Declaration Two or more people test positive for COVID-19 and are linked to a particular setting.

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Outbreaks and potential COVID-19 exposure in Saskatchewan over the last two weeks

On Saturday, the Bong lounge posted a message on it Business Facebook page Announced temporary closure.

“Lounge was informed that a recent customer (sic) was asymptomatic and tested positive for COVID-19 without knowing his condition,” he reads the post.

“To maintain the health and safety of all our customers / staff, we have decided to suspend lounge service for a couple of weeks until the city’s infection rate climate continues.

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“I’m looking forward to seeing you again.”

Nightclubs ask people to be diligent in their health and ask for a test to see if they have symptoms of COVID-19.

SHA recently issued a potential COVID-19 exposure alert to nightclubs. Persons in the lounge from 8 pm to 2 am on October 31st and from 9:15 pm to 10:30 pm on November 1st are required to self-monitor their symptoms of COVID-19. I will. visit.

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COVID-19 outbreak declared at third Saskatoon nightclub

Global News contacted the company for further comment, but did not respond in time for the publication.

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According to public health, outbreaks occur to mobilize and coordinate response to infections. It is not necessarily an indicator of risk to the public.

Over the last few weeks, mainly in Saskatoon, several COVID-19 outbreaks have been associated with Saskatchewan nightclubs.

On October 28, the state’s Chief Health Officer, Dr. Saqib Shahab, further restricted Saskatoon’s restaurants, bars and nightclubs after the COVID-19 community infection was associated with post-work socialization in young adults. Was carried out.

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Coronavirus outbreaks in Saskatoon nightclubs have forced the government to limit alcohol consumption

In Saskatoon, nightclubs can no longer serve alcohol from 10 pm to 9:30 am the next day. In addition, you need to be close to your customers by 11:00 pm. There are no such restrictions elsewhere in the state.

Cases of COVID-19 continue to surge in Saskatchewan.

Shahab said this was the state’s first “true wave” of COVID-19. This is because previous cases were associated with travel or local outbreaks, such as in the north or southwestern regions.

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Coronavirus: Top Saskatchewan Doctors Show Uptrend in COVID-19 Cases First “True Wave”

Coronavirus: Top Saskatchewan Doctors Show Uptrend in COVID-19 Cases First “True Wave”

“I think the difference now is that we see a sustained increase in some parts of the state,” Shahab said in a state update on the coronavirus on Tuesday.

“Now our peaks are high, so I actually argue that this is our true first wave and this is the first true test as a state to turn this around.

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“This is a bit broad, and that’s why we all need to get together and practice all these layers of protection more consistently.”

As of Sunday, there are 1,122 active cases in Saskatchewan, most of which are in Saskatoon, Regina, and North Central Zone.

© 2020 Global News, a division of Corus Entertainment Inc.


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