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Russia controls infections by doctors vaccinated with COVID vaccine, which is claimed to be 92% effective

Russia controls infections by doctors vaccinated with COVID vaccine, which is claimed to be 92% effective


Moscow — At least four Russian healthcare workers who received the country’s first COVID-19 vaccine were infected with the coronavirus. The developers claim that human trials show that their formula is 92% effective.Claims of efficacy from the government-run laboratory that developed the vaccine came shortly after the U.S. pharmaceutical giant. Pfizer Announcement Data showing that the vaccine, developed in collaboration with a German company, is 90% effective.

Russian vaccine Registered As a safe and effective drug by national regulators in August under the name Sputnik V, despite continuing Phase 3 human trials.

Pharmaceutical companies have worked with government agencies in many countries on unprecedented public-private initiatives to facilitate the usually decade-long process of approving and distributing effective vaccines.

Many companies, including Pfizer, Started large-scale production For example, Western regulatory agencies have not yet given permission to give vaccines to people who are not enrolled in clinical trials, even though the trial is ongoing.

Pfizer Official Consultation COVID-19 Vaccine


However, in Russia, authorities have been giving Sputnik V to healthcare professionals and teachers nationwide since the summer, apart from clinical trials. The head of the lab behind the Sputnik vaccine said this week that as many as 50,000 people (not participants in clinical trials) were vaccinated.

Officials in the Siberian region of Altai report On Tuesday, three of the 42 local health workers who received the double-dose Sputnik V vaccine were infected with the coronavirus after receiving the first injection because the drug had no chance to work. has no effect.

“Immunity of sick doctors is likely not had time to form before encountering the COVID-19 pathogen,” said the local health ministry. “That alone could have caused the doctor’s infection.”

On Thursday, the Ministry of Health of Kuzbas, another Siberian region, said doctors who had received only the first of two Sputnik V injections tested positive for COVID-19. According to Russian state news agency RIA Novosti, the ministry also blamed the infection for exposure that occurred before the drug had the opportunity to build immunity in the patient.

File Photo: File Photo: Regional Hospital Medic in Russia "Sputnik-V" Vaccination against coronavirus disease (COVID-19) in Tver
Healthcare workers at a regional hospital in Tver, Russia will receive the “Sputnik-V” vaccine against COVID-19 developed by a government laboratory on October 12, 2020.


Complete immunity is not expected until 3 weeks after the second dose, according to the Gamalaya Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, run by the government that developed Sputnik V. Altai healthcare workers received their first vaccination between September 25th and 30th, then became ill between the 7th and 10th, and before receiving the second injection, the Ministry of Health said: It states as follows. statement on Wednesday.

There are several cases of confirmed coronavirus infection among volunteers in the Sputnik vaccine trial. The Gamareya Center has downplayed these reports, suggesting that infected volunteers received placebo rather than the actual vaccine.

“The effectiveness of the Sputnik V vaccine has reached 92%,” the lab said on Wednesday on its official Twitter page. The efficacy assessment was based on results showing that approximately 20 of the recipients of both the vaccine and placebo who participated in the study had the disease.

The numbers were released two days after Pfizer released its own test data showing more than 90% efficacy of the formulation. Physicians, epidemiologists and politicians have been featured as the most optimistic developments to date as the world competes for proven vaccines. Pandemic tide.

Many doctors and scientists in Russia and around the world were skeptical of the country’s unusual move to register vaccines to use before completing the trial, but the Kremlin said Sputnik V was safe in early trials. He dismissed the criticism, claiming it proved to be effective. President Vladimir Putin said one of his daughters had been vaccinated before being officially registered.

As of Thursday, officials said more than 20,000 people received the first dose of the vaccine and more than 16,000 received both injections as part of a Phase 3 human trial. Eventually, about 40,000 people will participate in the Sputnik exam.

By comparison, in a Phase 3 trial of the Pfizer vaccine, about 39,000 people had been given both required injections by the time the company released preliminary study data earlier this week.

Russia has recently seen a record number of deaths and new COVID infections. Authorities gradually imposed restrictions in an attempt to slow the spread of the virus, promising not to regain a complete national blockade. Mass vaccination is an important part of the government’s pandemic response plan.

File Photo: Alexander Ginzberg, Director of the National Center for Epidemiological Microbiology in Gamareya, attends an interview in Moscow
Alexander Gintsburg, director of the National Center for Epidemiological Microbiology in Gamareya, gave a bottle of Sputnik V vaccine (COVID-19) against coronavirus disease during an interview with Reuters in Moscow, Russia, on September 24, 2020. is showing.


According to the RIA, Alexander Gintsburg, head of the Gamalaya Center, said Wednesday that the post-registration exam for Sputnik V would be completed around May or June. But he also said the interim results should be sufficient to start mass vaccination of the Russian population in the coming weeks.

Russia has already registered a second vaccine, and the government says the third vaccine may be approved next month.

However, increasing vaccination was a slower process than the Russian authorities expected.

On Wednesday, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said Russia would produce 2 million Sputnik V by the end of the year and plan to administer up to 6 million doses a month from April 2021.

Pfizer said this week that it expects to “produce up to 50 million vaccines worldwide” this year alone. AstraZeneca in the United Kingdom has already produced millions of vaccines and expects to have data to prove its efficacy within a few weeks.

Pfizer said there is likely sufficient Phase 3 study data to apply to the US Food and Drug Administration for an emergency vaccine license later this month.


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