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Canadian researchers advertise “game-changing” ways to treat alcoholism

Canadian researchers advertise “game-changing” ways to treat alcoholism
Canadian researchers advertise “game-changing” ways to treat alcoholism


Researchers in Toronto-Canada say they have developed a breakthrough method for treating alcoholism. This literally involves inhaling alcohol out of the body through hyperventilation.

They say it’s three times faster than relying solely on the liver.

Joseph Fisher, a senior researcher at the University Health Network’s Toronto General Hospital Institute, calls the technology “easy” using a very simple mechanical device that has no side effects and assists in breathing. ..

He says the process simply takes advantage of the fact that each exhaled breath contains alcohol that evaporates from the blood into the lungs, along with carbon dioxide.

“And the more you breathe, the more evaporation you get. It’s that easy,” says Fisher.

Of course, hyperventilation causes unique problems such as lightheadedness, tingling and numbness in the limbs, and fainting.

Fisher’s approach relies on a device that administers the exact amount of carbon dioxide needed to maintain normal levels in the blood.

It is the size of a small briefcase and uses a small tank containing a valve system, connecting tubes, masks, and compressed carbon dioxide.

A small study of five male volunteers proved that the concept worked, according to Fisher, but more extensive clinical trials are needed.

He hopes it will one day serve as a powerful tool in the hospital’s emergency department.

“I used to be an emergency doctor, but above all I know that alcoholics have a big problem,” says Fisher.

“Many of them don’t know what’s wrong. They’re unconscious and alcoholic, so it’s hard to find out … and there’s nothing you can do. You have their liver You have to wait until it is metabolized. ”

The study was published Thursday in the peer-reviewed journal Scientific Reports published by Nature Research.

According to Fisher, each subject drank about half of the vodka and was able to excrete alcohol three times faster than with the liver alone.

He says this approach is as effective as using a high pressure chamber. This is a much more complex setup that supplies oxygen to a pressurized room or chamber.

A few years ago, Fisher developed a similar technique to combat carbon monoxide poisoning and eliminate anesthetics from the body.

He said he downplayed the possibility that hyperventilation could also be used to treat alcoholism until about two years before a colleague proposed it.

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Now, Fisher wonders if there are more ways to use this method.

“This is why my armpits are sweating — (it can be saved) small children who go into the laundry room and drink one or the like of the solvent. Usually these children are countless. That may be an approach, “he said, thinking about treating survivors of a fire who may have inhaled toxins.

“I think it opens up many areas that people can see to get rid of.”

Currently, there is no cure for alcoholism, and there is no way to speed up the way the liver works to remove alcohol from the body.

According to Fisher, this technique is especially effective when you’re addicted, and it doesn’t help much after a casual evening drink, for example.

He also does not encourage people to try hyperventilation on their own. This treatment is actually designed for severe cases that can be life-threatening or endangering organs such as the liver or brain.

Dr. Laurent Broshar, a life-saving physician and scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital, states that the technique is “very smart,” but agrees that a real test is needed.

“People who are drunk may even have difficulty wearing a mask on their face,” Brochard said, adding that if the patient takes other medications, it may further complicate care.

“But I think it makes sense to give it a try. There’s nothing else.”

This report by The Canadian Press was first published on November 12, 2020.


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