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One in ten British victims surges online in a new dating phenomenon, “hat fishing”


The dating phenomenon “hat phishing” when someone hides a bald under a hat on social media and dating apps has been booming online lately.

According to a survey, 21% of people suffering from thinning hair and baldness tried to hide their hair deficiencies with dating apps and social media.

And 16 people used hats to do so, so they turned them into “hat fishers.”

A survey of 1,000 adults found that one in ten British people claimed to have been hatfished.

And 40% of women feel that if they are hatfished, they will not go any further with a potential love interest.

More than a quarter of adults also allow them to judge a person’s hair first when scrolling through dating apps or having a meeting on their first date.

Of the women surveyed, 56% admitted that they prefer to date people with full hair, and 45% are completely disinterested if there is a dating combo.

Dating apps are all the rage (stock image)
(Image: Getty)

In fact, they want a partner who has a low-paying job or can’t cook, rather than having a combo.

And more than three-quarters of men prefer to date women with shiny rocks rather than thinning their hair.

The survey also found that three-quarters of adults feel that social media and dating apps play a direct role in damaging self-esteem, and 57% are more worried about hair and rock in the future. He revealed that he was accusing him of losing.

However, 6 out of 10 women say that hair loss and thinning play a major negative effect on self-esteem, while 59% of adults, along with 41% of men, have more heads than one. I insist that I should have it. 1 million followers on social media.

Founder of Simone Thomas, Simone Thomas Wellness, States as follows. “Our clients have different backgrounds such as hair loss problems, scalp condition, skin condition and so on.

“Very recently, we have seen a large number of Covid-19 patients suffering from health problems and hair loss.

“We have been treating children up to the age of 5 with hair loss problems in their 90s.

“There are no restrictions on hair loss and how it makes you feel.

“But we can all do it more than ever by working on our own self-love and increasing our self-confidence.”

Hat fishing is a new and growing dating phenomenon
(Image: Getty)

Another poll, which looked at cross-sections of bald eagles and alopecia patients and those without alopecia problems, found that 48% of people suffering from bald eagles do not include bald eagles or bald people in their beauty standards. I found that I felt that.

In addition, the British believe that there is a real lack of bald eagle expression in the media, especially on reality shows such as: Love island -The blockbuster TV series has never featured bald or bald contestants in the UK.

In fact, shocking 39% believe that reality dating shows like Love Island discriminate against bald men, while 45% believe they discriminate against thin-haired women. I am.

But one in three women wants a bald man or woman to win a television reality show rather than a luscious rocked winner.

Simone Thomas added: “Clinics in the UK, Europe and the Far East treat thousands of people each year, including royalty who are anxious for a solution. Don’t be surprised to see these statistics.

“When it comes to casting TV shows, we need to prove that they are more kind and inclusive, and that baldness can still be considered attractive.”

The study also found that 48% of those surveyed wanted hair loss treatment and 12% used home remedies such as essential oils, olive oil, and egg whites.

One in five pollsters said they would consider getting hair loss treatment as a solution to thinning hair after seeing the successful results of celebrities through OnePoll.

Former Love Islander (2019) personal trainer Marvin Brooks said: “The standard of beauty of reality TV is high.

“I believe we are taking the necessary steps to ensure that more programs are more comprehensive, but I have not yet seen bald eagles and bald men represented. Hmm.

“In my experience, the pressure actually rises after the show.

“More and more people feel that they need to do everything that is considered a’celebrity’. This is really disappointing as many people step into the show as happily as they do.

“I don’t think bald people, bald eagles, and people suffering from thinning are as often represented as they appear on reality shows.

“The more people you identify with the people displayed on the screen, the more opportunities you have to apply.”

Excessive hair loss is a problem that affects many men, women and children for a variety of reasons.

Factors that can cause unwanted hair loss include genetics, malnutrition, hormonal imbalances, illness, certain treatments, extreme stress, trauma, medication, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage, menopause, and severe Includes hair care products.

Hair loss and thinning hair can have devastating effects on physical, mental and emotional health.

Find more reading on the perception of hair loss and information on the role that diet and nutrition can play in hair and health. here..


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