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Everything you need to know about a diet plan to fight illness


Thanks to a certain name recognition NFL quarterback And his supermodel’s wife, the Anti-Inflammatory Diet, may make you think about eliminating tomatoes and eggplants from your dishes. However, the diet requires far more food than just solanaceous plants. (But yes, we reach them. Keep reading.)

As the name implies, anti-inflammatory diets focus on foods that help prevent and reduce inflammation in the body.It is generally Healthy eating plan For anyone of all ages, but for people with a variety of chronic illnesses, nutritionists say they are often prescribed as a complementary medical approach to help manage symptoms.

How does what I eat (or not eat) reduce inflammation in my body?

Inflammation The body’s immune response begins To help your body heal and protect you from further injuries (think swelling, pain, coughing, fever). However, if the immune response is too long or unsuccessful, it can cause many problems, including obesity. Type 2 diabetes, Heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease (such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis) and cancer.

The theory is by specific avoidance Foods that induce inflammation (Processed foods, high sugar foods, fried foods, processed lean meats, saturated fats) Reduce the amount of chronic inflammation in your body and risk developing these problems or exacerbating what you already have Reduce.

What foods that are allowed to be eaten in the diet (fruits, vegetables, omega-3 fatty acids (especially those found in fish), nuts, olive oil) are associated with fewer foods in nutritional studies It is a food that can be seen often.Health problems and generally longer, healthier life, explanation Deirdre K. Tobias, ScD, Semi-epidemologist at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Harvard School of Public Health.

So what does the study say about anti-inflammatory diets?

Studies have shown that certain foods may have anti-inflammatory effects in the body.

Studies have shown that it stabilizes insulin levels (meaning that limiting sugars and refined carbohydrates avoids spikes and crashes in blood sugar) and more than omega-6 fatty acids (such as those found in vegetable oils). Consume omega-3 fatty acids (such as those found in salmon and tuna) that help control chronic inflammation. Polyphenols (found in non-starch vegetables) also help reduce the inflammatory response. Antioxidants (found in fresh herbs, spices, and some teas) have also been shown to reduce inflammation.

And more and more studies show that over time, people who follow an anti-inflammatory diet tend to get better when it comes to avoiding or managing chronic illness.Studies suggest that eating anti-inflammatory foods may help Reduce the risk of heart disease, Better management of rheumatoid arthritis symptoms, And the whole Reduce premature death..

The data clearly show that there are health benefits associated with choosing these foods on a regular basis, but less clearly, these specific foods alone keep chronic inflammation low. (Therefore, keep these health risks away). “Whether it’s a particular food or nutrient, or just an overall healthy diet Beneficial effects on your weight, Blood pressure and inflammation are still unknown. “

But no matter why it works, she adds that the diet is still balanced and healthy.

Who is the anti-inflammatory diet suitable for?

Everyone said they can benefit from eating foods that are considered anti-inflammatory Amy Shapiro, RD, Founder and Director of Real Nutrition in New York City. However, for people with certain autoimmune diseases (Crohn’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, lupus, etc.) where chronic inflammation can cause flare or exacerbate symptoms, many people take anti-inflammatory foods. I think it helps to adjust the diet to include, she says.

Other conditions under which an anti-inflammatory diet may reduce risk or help manage include:

  • Alzheimer’s disease
  • asthma
  • cancer
  • Heart disease
  • Chronic pain
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • stroke
  • Other inflammatory bowel diseases (such as ulcerative colitis)

According to Shapiro, nutritionists may recommend a removal diet to more individually prescribe the type of anti-inflammatory diet that works best for you. Under the guidance of a nutritionist, eliminate many foods that can cause inflammation. Then, gradually, one at a time, return food to the diet and observe whether certain foods cause the symptoms they are trying to avoid, Shapiro explained.

Remember: If you want to try a diet to improve your symptoms, it’s best to do so under the direction of a dietitian or other clinician. And such an approach should be used (rather than instead) with your usual treatment and care.

What do you eat with an anti-inflammatory diet?

In this diet, your dish consists of:

  • Cruciferous vegetables (cauliflower, broccoli, cabbage)
  • fruits
  • Whole grains
  • fish
  • nuts
  • Olive oil

Fruits and vegetables are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals, both types of micronutrients Helps reduce inflammation.. Other anti-inflammatory nutrients include omega-3 fatty acids (especially EPA and DHA varieties found in salmon, sardines, and tuna), monounsaturated fats (included in olive oil), herbs and spices (ginger, turmeric, green tea, etc.) )It is included. ). Those who do not eat animal foods should be aware that the omega-3s found in plants are ALA and are not known to have the same anti-inflammatory effects found in fish.

Foods that are known to increase inflammation that you avoid (or limit) with an anti-inflammatory diet include:

  • Over-processed food
  • Refined carbohydrates and sugar
  • Red meat and processed meat (salami, hot dogs, ham, sausages, etc.)
  • Trans fat
  • Refined seed oil (soybeans, corn, sunflowers, etc.)
  • Dairy products (some are okay, but don’t overdo it. Fermented dairy products such as yogurt and kefir are better)

Avoiding refined carbohydrates (white bread, white rice, white flour, sugar, etc.) and choosing complex carbohydrates instead (whole grains, potatoes, fruits, etc.) will help stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce inflammation. ..Food High in dietary fiber It has the same effect (like whole grains, legumes, and non-starch vegetables).

What a day on an anti-inflammatory diet might look like:

According to Shapiro, this is a sample menu of what a day’s meal looks like.

  • breakfast: Two eggs of any style on spinach sprinkled with sea salt and pepper
  • lunch: Grain bowl (1/2 quinoa topped with ginger dressing made from roasted salmon, sliced ​​avocado, purple cabbage, fresh ginger, carrots, avocado oil, tamari, garlic)
  • snack: 1/4 cup sprouted almonds and 2 tablespoons sulfur-free raisins
  • Dinner: Tacos with grass-fed beef, black beans, brown rice, sliced ​​avocado, almond flour tortillas or fresh salsa in taco shells

What is the deal with Solanaceae? Should I stop eating tomatoes and eggplants?

You may have read the headline about a particular thing High profile athlete Some solanaceous vegetables (tomatoes, white potatoes, eggplants, peppers, and spices from peppers such as cayenne and paprika) are also avoided because they claim to cause inflammation.

The evidence here is pretty thin.Not yet Study to show According to Shapiro, these vegetables can cause inflammation and increase the risk of long-term health problems. They contain compounds called alkaloids, which can cause problems in large quantities. But it’s not enough to worry about the vegetables you might be eating, she added. (On the other hand, these vegetables are known to contain the necessary essential nutrients such as vitamin C and lycopene.)

Anecdotally, some people say that cutting out those vegetables makes you feel better. But if you plan to do so, Tobias advised you to consult a nutritionist. “Starting to eliminate an entire group of foods can lead to a deficiency of micronutrients that aren’t actually supplemented elsewhere,” she said.

An anti-inflammatory diet looks like this:

  • Mediterranean diet, Focus on Whole Foods and minimize processed foods
  • Dash dietDeveloped to help lower blood pressure
  • Vegan foodFocuses on plant-based foods as a whole, but excludes animal foods
  • Mind dietAlso limits sugary foods and lean meats
  • Low FODMAP diet, This also uses removal methods to identify problematic foods


An anti-inflammatory diet is an overall healthy and flexible diet for most people. (And there are some, if not 100%, overlaps with many other very healthy diet components such as the Mediterranean diet, DASH diet, vegan diet, etc.) These particular foods and nutrients are linked The science that explains the mechanism behind why it has been, but there is a way to better long-term health. But regardless of why it works, the dietary philosophy is solid for most people to adopt.

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