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Covid-19 sends black, Latin American, and Native American people to hospitals about four times as often as others.

Covid-19 sends black, Latin American, and Native American people to hospitals about four times as often as others.


During the eight months from March 1st to November 7th, 70,825 hospitalizations were reported to the CDC. Racial and ethnic groups were disproportionately affected, while whites and non-Hispanic blacks showed the most hospitalizations.

The proportion of Hispanics or Latinos was about 4.2 times that of non-Hispanic Caucasians. CDC data.

The same applies to Native Americans or Alaskans and non-Hispanic blacks, according to the CDC, who were hospitalized about 4.1 times and 3.9 times more likely than non-Hispanic whites.

Health officials have warned about this trend for months-and public health experts say it won’t change unless we address the very complex factors that put these groups at a disadvantage.

“We learned a lot about how to treat this disease and how to prevent it by wearing a mask and keeping a social distance,” said Lisa Cooper’s director. Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity. “The problem is that for people who still have problems accessing health care, things don’t mean they’re getting better.”

Communities of some colors, including Latin Americans and African Americans, are often uninsured or distrustful of their health care system. Cooper said the high incidence of symptoms such as high blood pressure, heart disease, diabetes and obesity could lead to a more serious reaction to Covid-19.

Social epidemiologist, Jarvis Chen Harvard TH Chan Faculty of Public HealthSaid that more people of color are doing jobs that could be exposed to the virus in areas such as health care, food production, and public transport.

Many fear that their health may affect their ability to financially support their families in the short and long term if they become ill.

“These are real situations that people have to deal with, and they have no choice in that they can stay home, even if they have symptoms that may actually be Covid-19 symptoms. “It affects the likelihood of feeling that,” Chen said, focusing on social inequality in health.

These variables affect whether you live, die, or get help during a pandemic.

Knowing that blacks and Latinos are at high risk for Covid-19 complications has influenced some of the decisions made by the family.

Irene Skinner, who lives in Jefferson County, Alabama, has five daughters in a virtual class to keep them out of the virus.

“I don’t want to seize the opportunity and endanger myself, and neither my child nor my mother,” Skinner said. CNN Affiliate WBRC..
According to the county, about 43% of the population is black. US Census data. There are more than 26,000 positive Covid-19 cases in the county, 27% of which are related to blacks. Of the more than 400 people who died in Covid-19 in Jefferson County, about 48% were black. County health And Emergency management Official.

Van Phillips, the principal of a high school attended by one of Skinner’s daughters, contacted his family to explain how Covid-19 affects blacks and Hispanics in a disproportionate manner.

The WBRC cites data provided by schools in Jefferson County and reports that schools currently have the highest percentage of students learning from home.

“There are some things we have to do to save our lives,” Phillips told WBRC.

For Chen, the CDC findings should be an awakening call for health officials to think about the distribution of personal protective equipment, wise sick leave policies, and the potential distribution of the Covid-19 vaccine.

“Demographics tell a part of the story, but we should really instruct us to think about how to target the populations that will be most profitable in terms of protecting them. “Chen said.


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