Can mosquitoes spread the coronavirus? Answers to COVID-19 questions
We have categorized what you need to know about a pandemic by answering your questions. Ask your question [email protected] I will answer as much as possible. Publish answer choices online weekly and ask experts some questions People And CBC News Network.
Received thousands of emails from every corner of the country. Your question surprised us, puzzled us and made us think. This includes many questions about the physical distance measures being taken by mosquitoes and the CBC.
Can mosquitoes spread the coronavirus? Is it included in the quote?
There are several viruses that mosquitoes and other insects carry, but the coronavirus does not seem to be one of them and does not spread by mosquito bites. The World Health Organization says.
Jason Kindrachuk, head of microbiology and infectious disease research at the University of Manitoba, says mosquitoes are not something we need to worry about.
“Since we haven’t seen this in other coronaviruses, this will be very late for this to happen,” he says.
He was tested for coronavirus at a hospital and was told to get a call within 4-5 days. Ten days have passed, but I haven’t heard anything. Should I presume negative?
There are many questions about the test, including Jim Y. waiting for the results. Ontario was processing the test backlog at the end of March, so about 11,000 people were waiting for results. Later, the backlog decreased to 329. Ontario also Online services A place where the public can get test results.
Other states, including Alberta, also report outstanding.
“Don’t assume you’re negative,” said Alon Vaisman, an infectious disease specialist at the University Health Network in Toronto, when waiting for test results.
You are Click here for details About the test in each state.
How does the CBC protect itself?
Including this email from Nathan H, we have received many questions about how the CBC News practices the physical distance during this pandemic.
CBC newsrooms across the country are almost empty, and journalists work from home. This includes most of the other staff.
Many radio and television programs are People The CBC News Network is created primarily at home, with only a core group of on-air and technical staff remaining in the building. Almost all appearances on the subject of the guest, panelist, and interview take place by videoconference or telephone.
For stories that require on-site coverage, reporters and camera crews follow a rigorous process built around moving microphones and disinfecting equipment.
In a recent blog post, “We will never compare with the state-of-the-art health services at CBC,” said Brodie Fenlon, editor-in-chief of CBC News. “But we … strongly believe in playing a key role in communicating reliable and reliable information during this time of crisis, while retaining the power to explain the life-changing decisions they make . ”
Learn more about how CBC journalists and technicians report news at FBC’s COVID-19 Editor’s blog.
I’m a dog walking around dangerous distances and over many defenseless joggers. Put on a mask. Should you worry about their breath danger?
Many questions have been asked about masks and exercise, including this email from Judy L.
First of all, Judy’s decision to wear a mask outside is a good idea. Canadian top doctor Dr. Theresa Tam says now Non-medical masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19.
But should she worry? Perhaps not, according to Dr. Matthew Outton, director of the Royal University Training Program on Infectious Diseases. He states that the risk of exposure to the virus by a passing jogger is “very low.”
“Generally speaking, this virus, like many respiratory infections, is much more difficult to transmit outdoors than indoors,” he says. Oughton explains that constant air movement outside contributes to a faster dispersion of breathing droplets and particles acting from the passing jogger or anyone else.
“A significant exposure is usually considered to be within six feet. [or two metres] Assuming that joggers respect physical distance, he says, “I am not worried that this poses a high risk of transmitting COVID-19 and other respiratory infections,” he says.
The important thing is to practice physical distance, 2 meters away from others. As recommended by Health Canada.
Does the government take any other precautionary measures, such as contact tracking?
Because one person with COVID-19 can spread the virus to others, it is important to identify those who may have come into contact with people who test positive and that public health officials identify them. This is called contact tracking.
Dr. Richel Schindler of the Alberta Health Department is working on a state COVID-19 response, stating that contact tracking is “one of the best ways to contain this virus.” She states that countries including South Korea, Japan and Singapore have been able to contain the coronavirus through active contact tracking.
China uses a phone app to track people at risk of COVID-19, but according to the New York Times, Transmission of personal information To the police.
Canadian officials under investigation how Technology Can help Control outbreaks while protecting patient privacy.
Jennifer Nuzzo, an epidemiologist at Johns Hopkins University, says that measuring physical distance alone is not enough to prevent the spread of the virus. She says she says that the need for contact tracking is likely to continue to increase even though the overall COVID-19 case eventually begins to level off.
The federal government is asking volunteers to help track cases and contacts. here If you are interested in signing up, you can get more information.
You can also read about measures like states Saskatoon, Newfoundland and Labrador And Alberta is taking to hire and train more people to track coronavirus cases.
We are also answering your questions every night People. See below:
On Monday, we asked questions about the reuse of the N95 mask and how the virus affected infants. read here.
Keep asking questions on mail [email protected].
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