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Christmas card appeal to Britain’s “first couple with Down Syndrome” after the pair suffered a blockade

Christmas card appeal to Britain’s “first couple with Down Syndrome” after the pair suffered a blockade


Marianne and Tommy Pillings celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, but have been forced to spend the last seven months on the shield.  (Carter's)
Marianne and Tommy Pillings celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary, but have been forced to spend the last seven months on the shield. (Carter’s)

The British “first-ever” couple’s family with Down Syndrome Christmas A card appeal for pairs that have been forced to stay inside since the beginning of the pandemic.

Marianne and Tommy Pillings celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary this year, but had to shield from February and couldn’t meet their friends or continue their normal lives.

Tommy, 62, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease six and a half years ago and his condition has worsened since the pandemic began.

Marianne’s sister, Lindy Newman, has been helping the pair for 16 years. “They don’t really understand what’s going on.

Marianne and her sister Lindy.  (Carter's)
Marianne and her sister Lindy. (Carter’s)

“Basically just saying there’s a bug outside, it can be very bad if it happens, but I don’t understand why some stores are open and they are as before. Can’t go to it – it’s very confusing.

Newman said the pair “takes every day when it comes.”

With the exception of a few summer trips, the couple have rarely left home since it all started.

“It’s difficult before they lead a very busy life, everything is robbed of them, and they can’t go out,” Newman added.

Marianne and Tommy have been inseparable for 30 years.  (Carter's)
Marianne and Tommy have been inseparable for 30 years. (Carter’s)

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Prior to the blockade, Newman said Tommy was able to function almost normally despite his Alzheimer’s disease. But without his daily life to keep his brain busy, he would be much worse.

She states: “Tommy’s abilities have dropped dramatically. He’s not getting up and preparing for the day because he’s not going out and doing things aggressively and keeping his brain moving. He’s now. It has lost so much mobility. “

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Tommy has the most basic tasks, such as brushing his teeth and taking pills, and often struggles to get dressed and put on his shoes.

He also struggles to recognize who his wife is and is often upset and confused by the world around him.

Newman said: “It’s hard for the whole family. Tommy came into my life when I was two and a half years old, and I’m 33 now, so I literally don’t remember without him.

“I’ve taken care of both for 16 years, so it’s terrible to see their decline in front of me.”

According to Newman, 49-year-old Marianne has taken care of her husband “absolutely incredibly.”

“She is more patient than anyone I’ve ever seen in my life and she cares about him very much. It’s not too much of a problem.

“She doesn’t understand what Alzheimer’s disease is, but we say his brain isn’t working as fast or effectively as it used to.”

With Christmas just around the corner, Newman has launched a campaign to get as many people as possible to send pair cards to stay healthy during the festival.

read more: Poor areas of England are facing a “permanent” blockade, says the director of public health.

Tommy and Marianne were young.  (Carter's)
Tommy and Marianne were young. (Carter’s)

For more information on the Christmas card campaign and Tommy and Marianne, please visit our Facebook page. here..

Newman said he did something similar for Tommy when he turned 62 in March, but couldn’t celebrate as usual.

In March she shared an appeal on the pair’s Facebook page and he got 75 cards on his birthday.

Newman said: “After passing 75, Tommy sat there and continued to say,’I can’t believe I see all my friends love me.’ Marianne also received the card, so it was a really great moment to see. Because I didn’t feel she was left behind. “

This time around with a Christmas appeal, more people are interested in sending love to their spouse.

She said she expected about 1,000 cards based on the number of comments and messages she received, adding that “the reaction was absolutely incredible.”

Newman also said he had received cake offers from bakeries and farmers offering free tickets to outdoor movies, but added that “it was never always about cards.”

Newman wants to go to the couple’s house on Christmas day and help open all the cards together, but even if the rules are relaxed, they probably won’t be able to spend the rest of the day together. I know it will be.

She states: “The virus is so terrible that it doesn’t just affect people on Christmas day. How can I take it home with my children at school and my husband at work?”

She said she plans to set up a video call around the dinner table so that they can talk while they are eating.

Newman has shared the story of Marianne and Tommy for years. “Not only because it’s a beautiful love story, but also letting children with Down Syndrome and learning disabilities and those with loved ones understand what’s possible.”

She said they came up with the motto of their story: “Love can do anything.”

Newman said he believed the pair was the first couple with Down Syndrome and married in the United Kingdom.

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