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Broken heart mother donates the organs of her first tragic son in history to save the lives of three


As an A & E nurse, Lisa Cruz has no objection to helping her family suffer catastrophic losses.

And in the sadness of one family, she knows that the gift of a life-saving organ can bring another “tears of happiness.”

So when her son Luis McDonough died of cardiac arrest at the age of 18, she wanted to get something good from the tragedy.

Like many others, he did not sign an organ donation registration.

Therefore, Lisa became one of the first people to agree to donate under the new deemed consent rules that helped the Daily Mirror become law in Britain, saving Lewis the lives of three others. It was.

Lisa from Solihull, West Midlands, said:

Lewis died after a sudden cardiac arrest
(Image: Darren Quinton / Birmingham Live)

“But for a million years I didn’t expect myself to fall into such a situation, especially for my handsome, entertaining and lively 18-year-old son.

“I’m already on the NHS Organ Donor Registry and I’ve noticed recent changes in the law, but unfortunately I haven’t had proper discussions as a family.

Lewis as a boy
(Image: Darren Quinton / Birmingham Live)

“It was almost impossible to get Lewis to have a serious conversation! It soon became clear that organ donation was the right decision.”

The Organ Donation (Consumed Consent) Act 2020 came into force on Friday, six months ago.

It was called Max and Keira’s Law because Miller activist Max Johnson (12 years old) and heart donor Keira Ball (9 years old) saved their lives.

by Coronavirus Pandemic-comparable data is not yet available to assess changes in donation rates.

Miller campaigned for a change in law
(Image: Daily Mirror)

However, data up to October 31 show 135 donated organs after being considered happy without expressing it. These accounted for 26% of donations and 341 transplants.

“Today I want to encourage everyone to talk to friends and family,” Lisa added.

“Knowing that Lewis saved his life is our only comfort. While listening to the worst news, others are receiving life-changing calls and weeping happiness. I kept wondering if that was the reason I kept moving me. “

Since April 2016, more than 2000 people have died while waiting for an organ transplant across the UK.

Before the revision of the law, about 80% of people in the UK supported organ donation in principle, but only 38% actually recorded the decision to donate organs.

When asked, the majority said they just didn’t get close to it.

Anthony Clarkson, Director of Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation at NHS Blood and Transplant, said:


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