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County authorities encourage attention and safe practices during Thanksgiving holidays [Free]


County officials are urging residents to avoid Thanksgiving gatherings outside of direct household contacts to limit the Covid-19 epidemic. (Port City Daily Photo / File)

Southeastern North Carolina — Instead of issuing a press release detailing the fight against Covid-19 this week, New Hanover County said,Open letter to the community“Friday. While praising his recent success in combating the spread of the virus, he begged for the safety of his citizens during the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays.

“It’s been eight months since we reported the first confirmed case of COVID-19 in New Hanover County, and the community has been tackling the challenge of living through a pandemic,” said the four. Signed Letter Local Health Authority, State. “Thanksgiving and the holiday season should look different this year, but we can’t help but think about the resilience of the community. We are very grateful.”

Relation: “Bring the Front”: Holidays and Vaccines Mark the Next Chapter of the Local Battle with the Pandemic

Carla Turner, assistant health director of the New Hanover County Health Department, said her office is working to prepare the county for the holiday season, which may tempt it to relax social distance guidelines. He said he was.

“There’s no way around the fact that these holidays aren’t the same as last year’s holidays, as Halloween wasn’t the same,” Turner said in an interview.

The Health Center, along with its communication staff, wants to remind residents of the need to be sensitive this winter. The fight against “Covid fatigue” is very important in the health sector’s strategy, as the pandemic has been in the public eye for eight months now.

“Communication and outreach are working very hard with us to find ways to reach specific groups and demographics. This is a unique way to reach people,” Turner said. Mr. says. “The message may be the same, but it’s displayed a little differently.”

There are 821 active cases of the virus in New Hanover, “the trend in weekly cases is increasing,” but the region Lowest relative layer of severityAccording to a map of the Covid-19 County Warning System released by the Governor’s Office this week.

“We can and should take some time to celebrate a small victory, but we must keep moving forward,” the county letter said. “We are in a period of high risk. One event with loose precautions can lead to hundreds of infections and deaths, so this holiday season is for gatherings, travel, shopping and socializing. We need to change the way we go out. “

Kate Elsluger, a spokesman for New Hanover County, said continuing to convey the effects of the pandemic will exist for the foreseeable future, even after the expected vaccine deployment in the coming months.

“Part of our strategy is to redevelop information and bring a sense of closure and resolution. Currently, we can’t be crazy about trying to get back to normal,” Oelslager said. I am. “I want to be like I used to be, but I need to move forward from where I am.”

Also on Friday, Brunswick County Announce a similar letter..

“Traditionally, holidays are the time to get together with family and friends, celebrate and enjoy each other’s company,” the letter said. “But such celebrations pose a risk to the health of you and your loved ones, as they significantly increase the risk of COVID-19 infection when people gather, especially indoors.”

Brunswick County officials, like New Hanover officials, urge residents to be careful when hosting rallies during Thanksgiving holidays and to follow state guidance when rallies.

“We can prevent the spread of this virus from affecting the people we love most, but it requires us all to step up to the plate and play our part,” the letter said. I will.

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