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Adding contraceptives to your shampoo does not help hair growth-a strange trend was revealed


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Medical professionals warn against the new TikTok trend of users adding crushed contraceptives to shampoos to grow their hair.

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Users seem to be impressed that oral contraceptives can increase estrogen levels and help grow thicker, richer hair.

Cosmetics doctor Shirin Rakani reveals the story, Daily mail Nothing happens when you squeeze oral contraceptives into shampoo.

“Hormonal contraceptives do not grow your hair”

Users of apps around the world believe that oral contraceptives help hair grow.

One person posted a video with the comment, “I’ve heard that the #birthcontrolpills in shampoo help hair grow.” Another user claimed to have learned hair growth tips from her mother when she showed her a short hair shot to the viewer.

Trend clips have gained thousands of views, and some viewers have commented that they will give it a try “immediately.”

“We see why people think adding hormonal contraceptives to shampoos makes their hair longer,” said Dr. Rakani of Elite Esthetics.

“The viral tendency to add hormonal contraceptives to shampoos to grow hair longer does not work.

“Hormonal contraceptives are not designed for transdermal absorption, and the skin is otherwise an impermeable barrier.”

Healthy hair growth options

Dr. Lakhani recommended other hair growth methods, such as eating foods rich in biotin and B vitamins. These are found in meat, seafood, leafy vegetables and almonds.

Products infused with caffeine also help promote hair growth effects. A 2014 study We have found that caffeine has the potential to promote new hair growth at the molecular, cellular and organ levels in both men and women.

By increasing your nutrient profile and consuming certain vitamins and minerals, you can improve your overall health and give your body the energy it needs to grow hair.

A 2016 survey We found that a 4-minute daily scalp massage relieves stress and helps grow thicker hair. In this study, nine men had healthier hair after a four-minute daily scalp massage for 24 weeks.

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