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Employees accuse Google of throwing a tantrum after firing 50 people over contract protest with Israel | News Google

Employees accuse Google of throwing a tantrum after firing 50 people over contract protest with Israel | News Google


Google has laid off more than 50 employees in response to Israeli government layoffs and protests over the company's military ties that highlighted a controversial project and long-simmering tensions between staff and management. He is accused of throwing a tantrum after firing an employee.

The workers were fired following protests at Google's offices in New York City and Sunnyvale, California. The protest was organized by No Tech for Apartheid, a coalition of Google and Amazon workers that claims to be protesting a $1.2 billion contract with the Israeli government called Project Nimbus. It would be easier for the Israeli government to monitor and evict Palestinians from their land.

Google initially fired 28 employees over the protests, then fired more than 20 employees a few days later.

The shooting is the largest to occur since Israel's military operation in response to the October 7, 2023 terrorist attack by Hamas, which left around 1,200 people dead and more than 200 hostages taken. Since then, more than 34,000 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza, including more than 14,000 children and 9,670 women.

Google has previously fired or disciplined workers who participated in protests over internal sexual harassment, including strikes and sit-ins in 2018, but never before on this scale. It didn't happen. In March, Google fired a cloud engineer who protested an Israeli tech event in New York City.

Eman Hashim, a software engineer at Google and an organizer with Nortech for Apartheid, was among the workers fired. Many of us had recently been promoted. She said I was the fastest promoted under her manager.

She said this was a peaceful protest, highly visible and transparent, and livestreamed. Everyone could see how it happened.

Hashem said the sit-in protests were a response to Google's refusal to address workers' concerns.

I wonder if Google is overreacting emotionally and trying to provide transparency, clarity, and prove that it's not specifically providing Israeli military resources to aid in genocide and genocide. Look at how he lashes out at 50 workers over this contract. Let's continue apartheid, Hashim added. They had plenty of options to do so, but instead chose to throw a tantrum and attack 50 workers, many of whom were not participating in the sit-in.

It was done so emotionally and irrationally that Google also took off its mask in the process. It's about how contradictory they are, that there is no right or wrong, and that we should speak out against the wrong things that are happening among us. have shown their honest and true selves, how conflicted they are about their values. At work or at work.

Since the deal was signed in 2021, Google and Amazon employees have organized to oppose the companies' joint contracts with the Israeli military and government.

A $1.2 billion contract to provide cloud services will allow for further surveillance and illegal data collection of Palestinians, according to an op-ed written by Labor in 2021. Expansion is said to be encouraged.

Haseem said that although the workers' economic security has been disrupted by the layoffs, she and others affected have received tremendous support from colleagues and others. She also said that one of the biggest challenges of the campaign against Project Nimbus was reaching out and educating others about an issue that was only furthered by Google's layoffs.

Hasan Ibraheem, a software engineer at Google in New York who was fired and arrested for participating in a protest, said he and other employees were placed on administrative leave, lost access to the company, and were sent a mass email the next day. He said he was fired.

We don't know of anyone who has actually been contacted by HR. No questions were asked. We were not consulted. No one asked us anything. It was just a very cruel mass email sent, you're fired now, goodbye, because they don't want to have anything to do with us, they want to silence us, and they weren't going to be silent. The body, Ibrahim said. We do not want our workforce to be used to support genocide. That's why we took such action. We will continue to fight to stop this project.

The workers declined to comment on the possibility of filing a lawsuit in response to their firings. No Tech for Aparttheid responded to Google's action in a blog post, calling the firings illegal.

A Google spokesperson said in an email regarding the terminations: “We continued to investigate the physical disturbance in the building on April 16 and considered additional details provided by the co-workers who caused the physical disturbance and the employees who took the time to identify us.” Their identities were partially concealed, including wearing masks without badges while engaging in disruption. Our investigation into these incidents has now concluded and we have terminated the employment of additional employees found to have been directly involved in the subversive activities.

They denied firing any employees not involved. Google also rejected the protesters' characterization of Project Nimbus, saying: The Nimbus contract is for workloads run on commercial clouds by Israeli government ministries; Make it clear that you agree to abide by our Terms of Service and Terms of Use. This work is not intended for highly sensitive classified workloads related to weapons or intelligence, or for military workloads.




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