Family urged not to play board games on Christmas for fear of the Covid-19 epidemic
Scientists urged families not to play board games at Christmas, Coronavirus..
Earlier this week, the government confirmed that up to three households would be allowed to meet from December 23 to December 27, but the restrictions were temporarily lifted for celebration reasons.
However, Sage, the government’s scientific advisory board, warns that relaxing restrictions could lead to an increase in the number of Covid-19-positive cases.
Scientists said families should be as careful as possible and avoid close contact with families in different households, such as passing things to each other or touching the same surface.
In his advice, Sage said that when playing board games that contain many shared pieces, people need to be aware of the risk of spreading the virus.
They suggested that the family could choose to try the quiz game instead.
so Document Scientists announced this week said, “Infection through contaminated surfaces. Traditional games such as board games and cards, gift gifts, and sharing of objects and vessels during religious ceremonies. ..
“Although direct evidence of vector transmission is limited, viral RNA has been found on the contact surface in the immediate vicinity of the infected, with evidence that shared tobacco and drinking containers are associated with transmission. There is.
“Shared high-five objects increase the likelihood of fomite infection.”
Scientists have suggested that instead, you can choose an activity that minimizes object sharing, for example, an activity that plays a quiz-based game rather than an activity that involves many shared game pieces.
Sage’s advice added that when sleeping in a relative’s house, the children should share the bedroom with their parents rather than with other children in another household.
Scientists also urge the British to avoid close contact with vulnerable people, suggesting that children should meet their grandparents outdoors as much as possible.
Sage scientists also say that improved hygiene, such as countertops, door handles, and chair wipes, can help control the spread of the virus.
A document named “Insights on Celebration and Ritual in COVID-19” is added by “Sharing food and drink, exchanging gifts, hugging, singing, praying with family, friends and neighbors. Interaction occurs. “
At this week’s Downing Street conference, Chief Medical Officer Chris Whitti said British people should not hug their relatives.
When asked by Miller’s deputy political editor Ben Grays about mitigating anti-covid measures during the festival, Professor Whitty said, “People should hug and kiss older relatives, but I don’t. Would be. “
“They want to survive to be hugged again,” he added.
Sage states in another document: “People need to understand that visiting older loved ones is risky. Reducing these risks by minimizing other contacts the week before the visit. I can.
“Sociing before meeting older relatives is more dangerous than doing so later.”
Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said yesterday morning that the Sky News family should open the window to reduce the Covid-19 epidemic when dining together for Christmas.
“There are many options, such as the whole family gathering at home, opening the windows for lunch, or going for a walk on Christmas day,” he said.
The latest sage advice about Christmas Criticized for sexism After the publication of the document, “Women are responsible for organizing the Christmas tradition with their families during the festive holidays.”
“Messages need to help women adapt their traditions and encourage others to share the burden and help make changes to adapt to Covid-19’s limits.”
All four UK countries have agreed to relax the coronavirus limit for five days on Christmas so that three households can form a “bubble” together.
The Christmas bubble should be limited to 5 days. That is, you cannot move from one group of three homes to another.
Households who decide to celebrate together can gather in a private home and go together to an outdoor public space or place of worship.
Prime Minister Boris Johnson He warned people about the risks involved in meeting and urged them to “be careful with pleasure,” but said he was determined to give them the opportunity to meet.
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