What does that dark spot mean?
Even if you are a hard-working blusher and flossa, you may still have stains on your teeth.Some types discoloration Don’t worry. Black or dark spots may indicate more serious problems such as tooth decay.
If the pearly white is spotted or discolored, you may be wondering why this happens and what you can do to get rid of the black spots on your teeth.
This article will explain the causes of these dark spots, what you can do to get rid of them, and how to find out if you are dealing with something more serious.
Unless you have a Sharpie pen near your mouth, its black dots may indicate that your teeth are at risk.
Some of the most common causes of black or brown Spots on your teeth can be due to:
- Caries Or cavity
- Affected tooth damage
- Accumulation of tartar On the teeth
- staining To frequently consume certain foods and drinks such as coffee, tea and soda, or to use nicotine products such as tobacco, chewing tobacco and cigars
- Discoloration due to the use of antibiotics as a child, most specifically the antibiotic tetracycline
- Fluorosis, a condition resulting from overdose Fluoride
- Medical condition like Celiac disease
Accumulation of food and bacteria in the teeth can form the following sticky substances: Plaque..
When plaque builds up, the acid in the plaque can erode the plaque enamel On the surface of your teeth. This can lead to tooth decay.
Signs of worm teeth May be included:
- Black spots and stains on teeth
- High and low temperature sensitivity of affected teeth
- Persistent pain in the teeth
- Tooth hole or hole
- Prolonged sensitivity to sweet foods and drinks
- Pain while eating
If you have any of these symptoms, consult your dentist as soon as possible to prevent further rot and complications.
Stuffing Generally recommended for cavities where cavities are close to the surface and do not affect the pulp or nerves.
If the tooth decay progresses further and enters the soft core under the enamel layer of the tooth, the pulp in the tooth can become inflamed or infected. When this happens, Root canal Often needed to wipe out the collapse.
If you want to get rid of dark spots or spots on your teeth (and if it’s not due to cavities), you have several options.
If dark spots are caused by stains, both home and office treatments can remove the discoloration.
according to 2017 reviewThe current options for dental stain removal are:
- Peroxide-based tooth bleaching kit or whitening strip. Both home and professional Teeth whitening treatment Helps remove dirt and whiten teeth.
- Dental prophylaxis. This in-house procedure uses a preventative paste to remove plaque and tartar (tartar). Abrasives in the paste also help remove stains on the tooth surface.
- Tooth whitening paste, powder, or liquid. brush teeth Twice a day Tooth whitening paste Fluoride helps remove food debris, plaque, and surface stains.Peroxide as an ingredient baking soda, Baking soda is a desirable abrasive for removing dirt.
- Veneer. Some dentists may recommend porcelain Veneer Or composite glue to hide stubborn dark spots. This is a more expensive option.
Black spots on teeth are not uncommon, but there are steps you can take to prevent stains and reduce the risk of tooth decay.
To keep you Healthy teeth Do your best and try some of the following tips.
- Whitening Fluoride Toothpaste Brushing to practice good oral hygiene Dental floss At least twice a day.Aim to at least brush your teeth for best results 2 minutes..You can also use Mouthwash Contains ingredients such as alcohol, menthol and eucalyptus. These ingredients help kill bacteria in the mouth and teeth, but should not be used in place of brushing or dental floss.
- Brush your teeth immediately after drinking food or drink that may cause stains or stains. coffee, Tea, soda, wine, red sauce, or chocolate.
- Some dentists recommend drinking coffee or other tooth-staining drinks with a straw to prevent the liquid from touching your teeth.
- Avoid use Nicotine products Like tobacco, pipe tobacco, chewing tobacco, or cigars.
- Meet your dentist every 6 months for an examination, and Regular cleaning..
- Talk to your dentist about professional whitening treatments and the additional steps needed to protect your dental health.
Regular brushing and dental flossing can also cause stains on your teeth.
Discoloration from certain foods and drinks is common and usually not a concern. However, black spots and spots may be warning signs of tooth decay.
If you notice black spots or black spots on your teeth, it is important to follow up with your dentist. They can identify the cause and provide options.
If the spot is due to caries, the dentist may recommend padding, root canals, or other options. If the dark spots are due to stains on food, beverages, or nicotine products, the dentist may recommend treatment at a particular home or office to remove the spots and whiten the teeth.
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