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Limited COVID-19 vaccines could be delivered to SC health sites in about two weeks, according to DHEC.


Officials from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment said the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccine would be delivered to health centers in the state in about two weeks. Health officials held a live meeting Thursday afternoon to provide an expected timeline. Between December 14th and December 16th for the first delivery of the vaccine to the state. DHEC officials said they expected the first vaccine to be under Pfizer. “South Carolina, like any other state, expects to have the first allocation of these vaccines by the end of this month,” said Dr. Lindabel of DHEC.DHEC. Authorities said this first vaccine assignment would go to health care workers and then to people in long-term care facilities. According to Bell, the initial supply of vaccines to South Carolina will be initially limited, but as vaccine production increases, the state is expected to receive repeated shipments on a regular basis. “Therefore, anyone who wants to be vaccinated in South Carolina will eventually be vaccinated,” Bell said. “Very high coverage is our ultimate goal. However, due to limitations, we need to do this with a step-by-step approach. We have now completed the registration process for vaccination across the state. There are nearly 200 licensed vaccine providers. Regarding reaching the local community, health officials said they are exploring non-traditional vaccine sites in community settings. “We are. Make the vaccine available at DHEC clinics and other temporary sites that may be able to offer high-dose vaccination clinics, “Bell said. “And we are working to ensure areas that are not medically adequately serviced for vaccine availability,” DHEC officials said in the early stages of vaccine distribution at COVID-19. He said it was for front-line workers in the medical field who were at the highest risk of getting infected. According to Bell, distribution to these workers is a way of the department to protect health care facilities and health workers so that they can protect others, and the state health department also puts them in long-term care facilities. We recommend that you give priority. Vaccination prevented the state from quickly getting out of the pandemic and emphasized the public to use preventative measures advocated by state health authorities throughout the year. “I don’t want everyone to forget the primary precautions available. Now to all of us,” Bell said. “Everyone needs access to the mask. Everyone can practice physical distance. And these are effective evidence-based measures to prevent the spread of the disease.” DHEC officials also brought up the fact that we are in the flu season and urged people to be vaccinated. “It’s another thing we can control flu. Measures to protect healthcare systems and healthcare providers and protect your own health as you move into the flu season,” Bell said. .. Bell said he was very concerned about the burden on the healthcare system as the trajectory of the disease went up. “We need to continue to use these primary precautions to combat the spread of Covid and the flu,” she said.

Officials from the South Carolina Department of Health and Environment said the first phase of the COVID-19 vaccine could be delivered to health centers in the state in about two weeks.

Health officials held a live meeting Thursday afternoon to provide a timeline for the first delivery of vaccines to the state, scheduled from December 14th to December 16th. DHEC officials said they expected the first vaccine to be under Pfizer.

“South Carolina, like any other state, continues to expect initial allocation of these vaccines by the end of this month,” said Dr. Lindabel of DHEC.

DHEC officials said this first vaccine assignment went to health care workers, followed by people in long-term care facilities.

Initial supply of vaccines to South Carolina will be limited initially, according to Bell, but as vaccine production increases, the state is expected to ship repeatedly on a regular basis.

“Therefore, anyone who wants to be vaccinated in South Carolina will eventually be vaccinated,” Bell said. “Very high coverage is our ultimate goal. However, due to limitations, we need to do this with a step-by-step approach. We must first vaccinate the most vulnerable people. “

Currently, there are approximately 200 licensed vaccine providers throughout the state that have completed the registration process for administering vaccines. Regarding reaching the local community, health officials said they were investigating non-traditional vaccine sites in the community setting.

“We will make the vaccine available at DHEC clinics and other temporary locations where mass vaccination clinics may be available,” said Bell. “And we strive to make vaccines available in areas that are not medically adequately serviced.”

DHEC officials said the early stages of vaccine distribution were aimed at front-line workers in the medical setting because of the highest risk of being infected with COVID-19. According to Bell, distribution to these workers is a departmental way of protecting healthcare facilities and health workers so that they can protect others.

The State Department of Health also recommends prioritizing people in long-term care facilities.

Bell said early supply of vaccines could not remove the state from the pandemic quickly enough and emphasized the public to use preventative measures advocated by state health authorities throughout the year.

“We don’t want everyone to forget the primary precautions that are currently available to all of us,” Bell said. “Everyone needs access to the mask. Everyone can practice physical distance. And these are effective evidence-based measures to prevent the spread of the disease.”

DHEC officials also brought up the fact that we are in the flu season and urged people to be vaccinated.

“To the extent that we can control the flu, it’s another way to protect our healthcare system and healthcare providers and help protect your own health as we move into the flu season,” Bell said. ..

Bell said he was very worried about the burden on the health care system as the illness went up.

“We need to continue to use these primary precautions to combat the spread of Covid and the flu,” she said.


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