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Hertfordshire Tier 3: Furious Stevenage MP rages by calling Tier 3 movements “ridiculous and imbalanced”


Stevenage MP Stephen McPartland expressed his anger and called the government’s decision to move Hearts to Tier 3 “ridiculous.”

Parliamentarians previously wrote to Matt Hancock that he opposes the approach to the county-wide hierarchy system.

In Joint letterThe pair, also signed by North East Hertfordshire MP Sir Oliver Heeld, claims that the universal system does not work in Hertfordshire due to the “diversity” of small and medium-sized towns. did. And rural areas. “

In a letter dated December 7, they stated that “due to their geographical size and transportation routes focused on London, there is little interaction between the vast population.”

On December 14, he tweeted that he was “happy” that the Minister of Health had adopted his idea after putting only Watford, Heartsmere, Three Rivers and Broxbourne in Tier 3 on Wednesday.

However, following today’s announcement (December 17th), MP seems to be the least satisfied with the latest No10 approach.

Matt Hancock will be in Hertfordshire from 12:01 am on Saturday (December 19th) Tier 3 ..

This means that more than 38 million people in the country live under the strictest measures.

The· Stevenage MP tweeted today: “It’s ridiculous that we’re being dragged into Tier 3.

“It’s totally unacceptable and clearly shows the right to vote against the second blockade and tier system. On Monday, the government tiered on a district basis rather than this disproportionate county-wide approach. I admitted that I should impose it. “

According to the latest UK Public Health Service figures, Stevenage’s current prevalence is 144.6 per 100,000 in the seven days to December 12.

Similarly, Sir Oliver Heald expressed his own shock to the decision. He said in a statement: “This doesn’t make sense. Only on Tuesday the minister decided to leave North Heart in Tier 2 and two days later he is now in Tier 3.

“North Hartford is a much lower level of infection than places like Broxbourne and Watford and should have been treated accordingly.

“I’m also worried about the business losing at Christmas time. I made my point of view clear to Matt Hancock.”

This rule is in effect until the end of Christmas and is expected to have a major impact on local businesses, especially the hospitality industry.

Tier 3 pubs and restaurants are open until 6 pm but cannot serve alcohol.

Read this live blog to follow up on the latest updates on Hertfordshire’s move to Tier 3.


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