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Sunak announces Britain's largest ever military aid package for Ukraine | Russia-Ukraine war news

Sunak announces Britain's largest ever military aid package for Ukraine |  Russia-Ukraine war news


The package includes funds to build missiles, armored vehicles and new drone swarms.

Britain has unveiled its largest-ever military aid package to help Ukraine fight against Russian aggression.

London said in a statement on Tuesday that Chancellor Rishi Sunak would provide more details on the 500 million pound ($620 million) package during his visit to Poland. Ukraine has been desperately calling for increased support as Russian forces began advancing on the front lines and increased airstrikes.

Britain's announcement comes as the White House seeks to push through a long-delayed aid package from the United States worth about $60 billion.

The British government said the funding would bring total British military aid to Ukraine to 3 billion pounds ($3.71 billion) in the current fiscal year.

The new package will fund ammunition, air defense, drones and engineering support. The government said the drones would be sourced from the UK and the funding would support the expansion of the domestic defense supply chain.

What Britain calls its largest single equipment package ever also includes 60 boats, more than 1,600 offensive and defensive missiles and Storm Shadow long-range precision-guided missiles.

About 400 vehicles, including 162 armored vehicles, and 4 million rounds of small arms ammunition will also be delivered.

Defending Ukraine against Russia’s cruel ambitions is vital to our security and to all of Europe. If Putin can succeed in this war of aggression, he will not stop at the Polish border, Sunak said.

In Warsaw, Sunak will meet Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk to discuss bilateral relations and meet NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg to discuss European security and support for Ukraine. He will then travel to Germany to meet Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin.

British Defense Secretary Grant Shapps said the package would help restore stability in Europe.

He said Britain was the first country to provide NLAW missiles, the first to provide modern tanks and the first to send long-range missiles.

Now we are going even further. We will ensure that the world never forgets the existential battle Ukraine is fighting, and with our continued support, Ukraine will win.

The Prime Minister's Office said Sunak had a proposal to deploy the Royal Air Force in Poland as well. [royal air force] The Typhoon Squadron is scheduled to carry out NATO air security over Poland next year.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has called for more support from the West. Russia has made relative military gains in recent months and continues its attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a $60 billion military aid package for Ukraine on Saturday. The bill awaits Senate approval and debate is expected to begin this week.




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