US Coronavirus: When the FDA approves the second Covid-19 vaccine, the US reports the highest number of cases per day
Since the Food and Drug Administration has approved Moderna’s vaccine, CDC advisors need to vote to recommend it, and the CDC must accept the recommendation before starting vaccination. The advisory group will meet on Saturday morning.
The second green light comes when hundreds of Americans across the country receive their first dose of the FDA-approved Pfizer and BioNTech vaccine last week.
“This is the beginning of the end,” Adams told CNN on Friday night. “No doubt, the weeks will be tough. There’s still work to be done to overcome this surge, but I want people to encourage me,” he said.
He wanted the American people to “see the data and work with the company to understand that they felt they could get the vaccine safely,” so he decided to vaccinate on television. He said he chose.
“Really, this is a life-and-death message to blacks about the coronavirus,” said Dr. Valerie Montgomery Rice.
A pandemic that rages far from the end
Despite the promising news, it’s not completely over. In many parts of the United States, Covid-19 is still rampant throughout the community.
- Last week, more than 18,000 Americans died in Covid-19.Institute for Health Metrics, University of Washington project An additional 237,000 more Americans will die of Covid-19 in the next three months.
- For the 13th consecutive day, the country broke its own hospitalization record. According to the report, there are currently more than 114,700 Covid-19 patients nationwide. COVID tracking project.
- Last week, the United States reported an average of more than 219,000 new Covid-19 infections daily. On Friday, the country broke records and reported more than 249,700 new infections.
- Three Alaskan Healthcare Workers Show Allergic Reactionss After vaccination with Pfizer and BioNTech this week. The FDA states that the vaccine has “remote potential” that can cause severe allergic reactions. With so many people vaccinated at one time, the general public may find these serious reactions to be much more common than they really are.
Johns Hopkins Announces Vaccine Tracker
The Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center has announced a new vaccine tracking tool that provides “daily updates and a national outlook on the progress of COVID-19 vaccination deployment” in the United States.
The tool is currently collecting data from 10 states that have begun to publish the number of vaccines administered, including Connecticut, Idaho, Michigan, Nebraska, Ohio, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and West Virginia.
“This is all so new that we want to warn everyone that some problems will arise,” said Bethbrauer, executive director of the Johns Hopkins University Citizens’ Impact Center. “The data is coming out faster than we’ve ever seen data from the government being created, so we need to give some grace to the states reporting it.”
Health officials in Massachusetts said it was not clear why the doses were changed.
“Currently, the Public Health Service plans to inoculate 145,000 Pfizer vaccines by the end of December, a decrease of about 20% from 180,000,” said the Secretary of Health and Welfare. I will. Health and welfare services Marylou Sudders said.
“At this point, it’s not clear why the shipment value has been adjusted,” he said. “I’m certainly dissatisfied with not receiving the amount I expected in the first wave, and I’m working to clarify what this means,” the governor added.
Distribution “errors” exclude healthcare professionals
Only seven of the more than 1,300 residents and fellows will be vaccinated, and home-based faculty and attending physicians have been prioritized under Stamford Health’s distribution plan, affiliates reported.
“Our intention was to develop an ethical and impartial process for distributing vaccines,” Stanford Healthcare said in a statement received by the news station.
“We apologize to the entire community, including residents, fellows and other front-line healthcare providers who have taken heroic actions during the pandemic response. Immediately revise plans for better vaccine distribution. “I will.”
CNN is seeking comment from Stanford Health Care.
In a video shot by an affiliate, scrub and PPE people demonstrated on Friday, chanting “at the beginning of the room, behind the line.”
“We made a mistake. Let’s get you vaccinated,” Entwistle told the crowd, the San Francisco Chronicle reported. “We will fix it.”
Different states, different measures
Different Covid-19 trends have been reported in different parts of the country as state and federal authorities are preparing to increase vaccine shipments.
Governor Andrew Cuomo of New York said the hospital was in “crisis management” mode, adding capacity to facilities throughout the state.
“I think the hospital will be able to manage this,” he said. “We learned a lot in the spring.”
“LA County is becoming the epicenter of a pandemic,” Dr. Brad Spellberg, Chief Medical Officer at the LAC + USC Medical Center, warned Friday.
“We are being crushed,” Spellberg added about the county hospital. “I’m not going to sugar coat this. We’re crushed.”
According to the governor, face-to-face lessons can be resumed in high school, and indoor venues such as movie theaters can be resumed with capacity restrictions and other safety measures. You can also resume outdoor group fitness activities and outdoor non-contact sports.
CNN’s Ben Tinker, Amanda Watts, Hollie Silverman, Deidre McPhillips, Jen Christensen, and Arman Azad contributed to this report.
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